Writing grant applications

This course covers many aspects of scientific proposal writing, including how you can find research funding and how you can approach and organise scientific proposals. 

Image may contain: Hand, Nail, Writing instrument accessory, Writing implement, Automotive design.

We recommend to take the course in communicating research before this course, because the content is aligned.

During the course you will have lectures, practical exercises, do personal reflections and share personal experiences. The course material will be distributed after the course for future reference.

During the course, we will discuss

  • Who is willing to give me money to perform research and why?
  • How to find relevant funding opportunities where I am eligible
  • Anchoring the proposal at my institution
  • The different parts of an application
  • Writing an application
  • Collaborating with my peers when writing my application
  • The importance of the abstract
  • Tailor-suiting my CV to my research proposal

Expected learning outcomes 

  • An overview of the funding landscape and where to search for relevant calls
  • How to approach a call and develop a scientific proposal 
  • Understanding the structure, presentation form and important elements of a good CV


You must attend at least 80 per cent of the course. Attendance will be registered.

Course dates and venue 2024

  • 28-30 October

The course will take place at Blindern (Niels Treschows hus, HF-12).


By signing up for the course, you are committed to attend all three days of the programme, including preparatory activities. 


Apply for the course in EVUweb

Please note that unless you are employed by the Faculty of Medicine (at UiO), you must confirm that your employer will pay the fee of 3000 NOK for your admission to the course. 


Published May 18, 2021 3:44 PM - Last modified July 1, 2024 9:23 AM