
In this course we will take you through the steps of exploring whether your basic research can be transferred into valuable products and services for society.

If you have made new discoveries in your basic research and you are curious whether these new discoveries may be translated into products, processes or solutions that can improve current solutions, this course will give you some valuable insights. We will explore identifying excellent basic science with a potential for common use. It is not a course in the commercialisation process itself, but rather in changing from a research mind-set into a use mind-set and the elements that should be considered in this process.

These topics are included

  • User-centric innovation
  • Commercial value
  • Sources of innovation funding and support

Expected learning outcomes 

  • Understanding valorisation of research

  • Understanding elements to consider when putting your research to use

Course leader

Beate Rygg Johnsen is section manager in the UiO Growth House, which contributes to a stronger innovation culture and to more knowledge from research being put to use. She has an education in biochemistry, 30 years of experience from global industry and has worked four years as an innovation senior advisor at UiO.

Course dates and venue 2024

  • 28-29 November

The course will take place at Blindern (Niels Treschows hus, HF-12).


You must attend at least 80 per cent of the course. Attendance will be registered.

Registration and course fee

By signing up for the course, you are committed to attend the whole course, including preparatory activities.

Apply for the course in Innovation

Please note that unless you are employed by the Faculty of Medicine (University of Oslo), you must confirm that your employer will pay the fee of NOK 2000 for your admission to the course.

Published Aug. 29, 2023 3:01 PM - Last modified June 29, 2024 9:45 AM