Norwegian version of this page

National Graduate-level Research Schools

The Research Council of Norway provides funding to national graduate-level research schools across the country. The research schools are part of an effort to create a better framework for research education.

These schools are designed to supplement existing doctoral degree programmes at the various institutions and their goal is to improve the quality of the PhD education. In addition, the research schools should contribute to the internationalization of research education in Norway.

Each school consists of a network of institutions that have entered into a binding cooperation on PhD education in a specific field. The participating institutions collaborate on PhD courses, seminars, summer schools and the like, with reciprocal use of their respective laboratory facilities in fields where this is relevant.

The research schools can thus provide broader-based research education than each individual institution can on its own.

Read more about the National Graduate-level Researcher Schools at the Research Council of Norway’s website

National research schools hosted by the faculty

National research schools where the faculty is partner

Host institution in brackets.

Published May 29, 2015 11:12 AM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2023 8:20 AM