Scientia Fellows Interview: Anastasia Renzi

Researchers from a wide variety of research fields and all over the world have joined the Scientia Fellows postdoctoral programme. Anastasia Renzi is one of them.

Anastasia Renzi

Anastasia Renzi. Photo: Øystein Horgmo, UiO

– What is your background?

I’m Italian. I got my degree in medicine and surgery in 2009, and then I started on my PhD.

Since the beginning of my career, I have become more and more interested in the reseach field I work in. 

– What triggered you to become a researcher?

I was always really interested in how things work at a cellular level, and in digging deep into that field. In particular, I was really fascinated by in vivo studies in models reproducing human disease. My research career started in a very dedicated group that I did not leave until I came here to Oslo.

– Why did you choose to apply for a Scientia Fellows postdoc position?

One reason I looked for a job in Norway is that my husband work here. I was looking for positions at the University of Oslo, found the Scientia Fellow programme, and decided to apply.

This programme matched what I was looking for exactly. To me, a job in a very good University with a COFUND scheme appear very desirable. Moreover, this position allows me to live with my husband, which is very important for my personal life. 

– How can a Scientia Fellows postdoc position promote you future career?

I think it is very important for me to create my own professional network, to be more visible. I'm sure I will earn a lot from this programme.

– To whom would you recommend a Scientia Fellows postdoc position?

I would recommend it to all researchers.

Read more about Anastasia Renzi`s research group

Inflammation and Vascular Biology

Published Mar. 11, 2016 11:24 AM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2023 10:00 AM