
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education's (SHE) vision is to educate change agents in health care, so that UN´s Sustainable Development Goals become a matter of course - in the face of for example pandemics, antibiotic resistance or the aging population.

The fellow below aims to understand what community based education is and its various confusing terms.

Million Tesfaye Eshete

Portrait of Million Tesfaye Eshete

Country of origin: Ethiopia
Host: Eivind Engebretsen
Group: SHE (Sustainable Healthcare Education)
Thematic area: Health Professionals Education, Community Based Education, Service Learning, Knowledge Translation
Project title: Community Based Education and Research : State of the art and pilot trial

My project

The project aims to understand what community based education is and its various confusing terms. We would like to “purify” its clear history, philosophy, definition and principles. Various systematic reviews also claim that it is very effective in fostering student’s creativity, problem solving and innovation. But the clear causal mechanism (theoretical and empirical) by which it is ought to achieve these outcome is unclear. Hence we are planning to use system dynamic modeling to further breakdown its components and see the complex interaction and relationship among its parts in contributing towards Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) through innovation and problem solving. As a final step we would like to pilot test it in the real world to observe changes.

This project will contribute towards our undertaking and making of proper (problem solving, adaptive, sustainable and innovative) health professional education that which is consequential (both by solving pressing community problems and facilitating knowledge translation