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Access to IT resources as an assosiated user

You can access UiO's IT resources using an associated user account even if you are not an employee or student. The criteria for receiving an associated user account at the faculty can be found below.

Who is eligible associated IT account?

  • Those who are formally the main supervisor for a PhD candidate enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Postdocs or researchers with an externally funded, time-limited project at the medical institutes receive associated user account in accordance with the grant letter + a further 3 months.
  • Officially invited guest researchers, Erasmus students, etc. at UiO will receive associated user accounts for the duration of their stay.
  • Central project workers at the SFF or Jebsen Center rooted at UiO by The Faculty of Medicine (application via center manager).
  •  Primary role at a UiO-approved core facility (application via core facility manager).
  • Approved emeritus at the faculty.
  • Other OUS employees who do not meet the above criteria are referred to UiO services for OUS employees
  • Employees of Ahus or other institutions outside OUS, can obtain an account at UiO if it is deemed important for UiO. The application must state what kind of resources and services that require you to have a UiO account, and for what purpose the account will be used. The application must be rooted with the closest academic UiO leader at The Faculty of Medicine.

How long is the account valid?

The obtained account will be valid for the time required for you to perform the required tasks for UiO. Associated user accounts are granted for a maximum of 2 years at a time, and you will need to submit a new application if the need for an associated user account is still present.

Application form for associated IT account

The application form must be completely filled in. Choose the link for the Institute you are affiliated with:

Published Sep. 21, 2016 1:08 PM - Last modified May 7, 2024 1:35 PM