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Cooperating with other students, co-writing

There is a possibility for master students to cooperate and write a thesis together. Those who would like so, have to write an application to the student adviser at your program. In the application please explain why you want to co-write and what you are planning to write about.

Writing together 

  • The assignment is submitted as one Master's thesis and is graded as one assignment.
  • The students write and submit a collective project plan
  • Both students will receive the same grade on their common thesis.
  • Students writing together can write a 50% longer assignment than those who write alone.  
  • Students writing together will have  50%  more (common)  supervision than those who write alone.
  • The content is considered more stringent. There are greater demands on the quality of a master's thesis with two authors than with one.
  • The censors will be informed that there are two authors.
  • Both students must state in the assignment that it is written by two authors who have made equal contributions. This can be done in the preface. 
  •  If there is an appeal against the grade, there is individual right of appeal, which means that one of the authors can complain about their grade, without affecting the co-author's grade.

Each student has to submit their thesis in DUO  and when submitting a group thesis, tic the box to register it.  The open research archive (DUO) will be able to connect the identical thesis to the collaborating students.


Published Feb. 9, 2023 11:27 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2023 11:27 AM