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Support for field work travel expenses for master students

The Institute of Health and Society (HELSAM) provide modest financial support for students pursing master’s degree programme at the institute, to facilitate fieldwork activities outside the EU/EEA related to their theses.

The support intends to promote and enable students to conduct research of critical importance in improving global health. The support is modest and should be considered as a top up funding for projects. Given the modest nature of this support, students are therefore encouraged to seek financial support elsewhere including  direct application from various local and international funding agencies, existing funded research projects, philanthropist and others.

Eligibility for consideration of funding includes but not limited to:

  1. Applicant must be a registered second semester master degree student at HELSAM
  2. Project should seeking to conduct fieldwork outside the EU/EEA 
  3. Applicant must have appropriate and confirmed project supervisor (s)
  4. Applicants who had applied for funding elsewhere and did not receive funding will be given priority
  5. Applications received before the set deadline for application

The funding covers:

  • Travel (economy ticket and transportation to/from airport) 
  • Mobile airtime or internet data to facilitate contact with study participants
  • Cost related to local transportation within the fieldwork area

Funding to cover costs related to travel insurance, vaccine, visa fees, basic stationaries, equipment such as tape recorders, computers, and memory sticks shall NOT be considered for funding.

Applications must be accompanied by the following:

  • a completely filled-out Application form
  • a summary of your project outline
  • Budget for the application

The students awarded a stipend have to send a expenditure report and relevant legal receipts upon return from the field to the student adviser at their program

Eligible individual project can be awarded a maximum of 10,000 NOK. However, to be able to support many projects, we encourage applicants to request amount less than the set maximum, as this shall also increase their chance of funding. Note also that, partial funding may be awarded following budget assessment. 

Application procedures and deadline

Applicants must complete the Application form  and attach all relevant documents before the deadline. The deadline for application is 1st of May at 23:59 and 31st October at 23:59 

Published Apr. 20, 2020 11:57 AM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2022 4:19 PM