Guidelines for Students' Behaviour and Demeanour

The guidelines apply to all students at the Faculty of Medicine, even though many of the points do not apply equally to every study programme. For students of Medicine and Nutrition, follow-up of the guidelines is a component of the ongoing suitability assessment that is part of the education of doctors and clinical nutritionists.


  • Students must primarily keep in mind the patient's best interests.
  • Students must show all patients respect for their cultural and religious background.
  • Students must not discriminate against patients based on age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, skin colour, religious affiliation, moral and political beliefs or sexual orientation. Students must be prepared for close physical contact with patients of both genders, including shaking hands and physical examinations.
  • Students must not express or practice own moral, religious, political or other personal views that may interfere with consideration of the patient, communication with the patient, and good treatment of patients.
  • Students must follow the rules and norms for behaviour and presentation that apply at the place of study (or place for supervised professional training).
  • The Faculty expects the sites for supervised professional training to follow the guidelines of the Labour Inspection Authority regarding equal treatment and non-discrimination.
  • Students must respect their instructors, fellow students and others with whom they make contact during their studies, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, skin colour, religious affiliation, moral and political beliefs or sexual orientation
Published May 12, 2011 12:05 AM - Last modified May 12, 2011 12:08 AM