Withdrawal from an Examination and Illness During an Examination

Withdrawal prior to an examination

Depending on the type of examination, the deadline for withdrawing from an examination is 2 weeks prior to:

  • the examination date in question
  • the first examination date in the event of multiple days of examinations
  • the deadline for the submission of the semester paper or similar assignment
  • the date for the release of a home examination assignment or similar assignment
  • the deadline for the submission of the last assignment in the case of portfolio assignments or other forms of continuous evaluation throughout much of the course Withdrawal after the deadline will count as an examination attempt.

IIf the withdrawal from an examination is due to illness or another legitimate ground, a medical certificate or similar documentation must be presented. This documentation must be handed to the programme's Study Administration. A legitimate absence does not count as an examination attempt and may give the right to a re-scheduled examination.

Withdrawal during an examination

A withdrawal during an examination must be done in the approved manner, depending on the type of examination. A withdrawal during an examination will count as an examination attempt. Separate rules apply in the event of illness during an examination. 

Illness during an examination

In the event of a withdrawal during an examination due to illness, the medical certificate or similar documentation must be postmarked or submitted at the latest three days after the date of the examination.

The medical certificate or similar documentation must furthermore:

  • state that it is issued in relation to a withdrawal from an examination at the UiO
  • state which examination date it is issued for.
  • be issued on the date of the relevant examination if the withdrawal was from a written examination (the Student Health Services, SiO, assist students in need of such certification).
Published May 23, 2011 12:59 AM - Last modified May 24, 2011 11:14 AM