Permit to attend further studies after failing an examination

A student who fails an examination normally cannot progress in the programme until the examination has been passed. Students who take a re-sit examination/postponed test, can continue to attend their courses until the examination results are announced, and if applicable until the result of the appeal has been announced. The student must stop attending courses and will be transferred to the following class if he/she does not appeal the examination result, or if the result of the appealed examination grade is that the student fails the examination.

Special considerations in connection with internships/placements

  • A student who fails the examination in the 7th semester, and whose appeal of the examination result on the re-sit examination/postponed test is not successful, will be allowed to complete the already started internship in the 8th semester if the student is in the first internship group. The student will then be transferred to the following class to re-take the 7th semester  When the student has passed the 7th semester, he/she can continue in the 8th semester. Students who have had their internship/placement approved will not be allowed to re-take this.
  • A student who fails the examination in the 9th semester will be allowed to complete their internship in the 10th semester, but will be transferred to the following class and must complete the 9th semester examination at the earliest opportunity. The examination in the 10th semester must be taken in the next semester.
Published May 3, 2011 3:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2019 9:33 AM