Leaves of Absence and Ranking when Admitting Students to a Class

Students who have been absent from the programme for various reasons will be admitted to their new class on the basis of criteria of priority

A leave of absence from the programme may on application be granted for up to a year at the time,. The application deadline is 15 May for a leave of absence for the autumn semester, and 1 November for a leave of absence for the spring semester.

  • Students on parental leave may choose to attend their classes and take examinations in subjects while on leave. In the programmes of professional study in Medicine and Dentistry as well as Nutrition, some semesters may be adapted to enable students on parental leave to attend parts of the teaching.
  • A leave of absence for more than a year is only granted in very special circumstances.
  • A leave of absence is normally not granted until the student has completed the 2nd semester (does not apply to maternity leave and leaves of absence due to illness).

If there are more applicants than the number of places in a class, the following priorities will be made when admitting students to the class in the following semester:

  1. Students who had a leave of absence in connection with a birth. Students who had a leave of absence due to adoption or because they are caretakers of children under 18 months or ill or disabled children, are given the same priority as students who were on maternity leave.
  2. Students who have been absent from the programme due to their own serious, long-term and documented illness. A final group under this section is students who are not granted a retroactive leave of absence due to illness. The latter group are transferred to the following class and incur a delay.
  3. Students who involuntarily have had to "skip" a semester. These students have either been transferred to a class that is full, or have not gained access to their preferred class following a leave of absence.
  4. Students who have withdrawn from a semester with no documented reason. Students who have had other grounds for a leave of absence than those mentioned above are given the same priority as students who have withdrawn without a documented reason.

After the examination has been completed, a final adjustment of the classes is done to see if there are places in the lower classes for those who have not taken or not passed the examination. If there are no places for these students in the class they must wait one semester and are then placed in priority group 2 in the next allocation round.

Published May 20, 2011 11:51 PM - Last modified May 22, 2011 6:01 PM