Regulations concerning photography and audio/video recording of tuition

Current rules concerning photography and audio/video recording of tuition at the faculty.

These rules have been adopted pursuant to the university’s right under private law to establish rules of conduct in premises that the institutions own and/or of which they are rightful users.

In addition, the provisions concerning confidentiality in the Health Personnel Act apply. These pertain to situations where patients are present in the premises where tuition takes place, to the use of patient records or parts thereof and in the context of autopsies or dissections.

General provisions

1. As a main rule, the Faculty of Medicine does not permit photography or audio/video recording during tuition sessions. This applies to all studies at the Faculty.

2. Exemptions from this main rule can be granted for audio recording of lectures. It is a precondition that the lecturer has consented to this in each individual case, and that the recording will be used for exclusively personal/private purposes by the student. Sharing of such recordings is not permitted. If anybody besides the lecturer is audible in the recording, for example in the form of comments or questions from fellow students, consent must be obtained from each individual encompassed by the recording. If the person or persons in question do not consent, the recording must be deleted immediately.

3. Violations of these rules may entail exclusion from the tuition premises.

Applies to tuition involving patients 

4. No photography or audio/video recording of patients is permitted in any context, including in tuition, outside the tuition premises or in the hospital area.

5. Paper-based patient records and parts of patient records that have been used for tuition purposes shall be shredded and under no circumstances removed from the hospital area. This applies even if names and national identification numbers have been removed.

6. Students who attend tuition programmes that involve contact with patients are subject to a comprehensive duty of confidentiality.

7. Violations of the rules pertaining to tuition involving patients may in especially serious cases entail exclusion from the study programme (cf. Sections 4.8 and 4.10 of the Act relating to universities and university colleges)

Applies to tuition involving autopsies (hospitals), demonstration of anatomical specimens or dissection

8. Photography, audio and video recording are not permitted.
9. Violations of the rules may in especially serious cases entail exclusion from the study programme (cf. Sections 4.8 and 4.10 of the Act relating to universities and university colleges).

Published Feb. 17, 2016 4:17 PM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2016 1:58 PM