Internship at Folkehelseinstituttet, Division of Climate and Health with EU project - ENBEL

– I wanted to experience working in an EU project, and meet other researchers in the health sector and expand my network, says Susan Sitoula.

Young womn smiling in front of flowers.

I see myself working in the field of health research in the future, Sitoula says. Photo: Private

Susan Sitoula is a master student at Health Economics, Policy and Management and had her internship at Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), under the Division of Climate and Health works on qualitative research in the scope of an EU project- ENBEL.

– I wanted to see how a public office related to research operates in Norway. I wanted to experience working in an EU project, and meet other researchers in the health sector and expand my network, Sitoula says.

Under the supervision of Shilpa Rao-Skirbekk and Zuzana Nordeng, Sitoula was assigned to the ENBEL project where she helped with a deliverable in a work package.

– I helped with the scoping review and in creating the final technical report on the key climate adaptation strategies, including cost, equity and social implications.

Why is it important to attend an internship?

– I attended the internship course at The University of Oslo and I think it helps students to move out of classrooms and place themselves in the practical world. They could see for themselves the similarities and differences between classrooms and office/formal workplace.

She was very excited to start the internship. Sitoula knew that she would be working primarily with one colleague, but she was looking forward to meeting many other researchers too.

– I have learned the importance of good and effective communication when working with a large group, or even among a few. It is important to share your thoughts and ideas, as well as consider others’ ideas although you may disagree with them.

I see myself working in the field of health research in the future, Sitoula says

What does a regular day at work look like for you?

– First, I always had a meeting with the researcher I was helping about the process of creating the report, where we were and how we continue forward. I then worked on my tasks all day. We had a lunch break where we ate with others present at the office.

– I was at FHI once every week for a full working day, sometimes more if needed, for example, for meetings, she says.

How are you using what you have learned at UiO in your internship?

Some of the ideas of the management class clarified Sitoulas motivations in working at FHI. It also helped her understand the hierarchy and the relationships among colleagues.

– I could understand the articles which included economic evaluations as I had taken the economic evaluation course. It was essential to understand the content of these articles to put together the report.

I also gathered and extracted data from literature to create a report, which I think is helpful when writing a thesis or in any other research. We have created and submitted the final report.

It was challenging to sometimes manage time for all the courses and the internship. I let my colleague know about my schedule and managed my office time around it. Since climate strategies was a new topic for me, it was difficult at the beginning to understand what I was looking for. It got better as I did some reading and spent more time understanding the required content.

I would meet my colleagues almost every week. We had meetings where we discussed our accomplishments, challenges, and tasks moving forward. We also had group lunches with the people present where everyone shared their thoughts and experiences. We also had a group dinner as a welcome and a summer party as a farewell, she says.

What would you say to other students considering doing an internship? 

–  It is important to know what type of company/institution you are getting into. Try your best to learn as much as possible even if things are new and unfamiliar. Talk to your colleagues and expand your network if it is possible. 

 The application process was very smooth. I sent the contact person my cv and cover letter and she got back to me quickly. We set up an interview/meeting to see which project I could assist with.

It would be helpful to have organizations take the initiative in integrating students as FHI has done, Sitoula says.

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Internship in Health managment and Health economics

Study Health Economics, Policy and Management (master)

Internship at Folkehelseinstituttet with an EU project - EXHAUSTION


Published Aug. 30, 2023 12:03 PM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2023 11:29 AM