Mandatory MRSA-screening

There is a mandatory screening for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - MRSA - when coming on exchange to Oslo as a medical student. 

Norwegian Health Authorities are actively preventing MRSA dissemination, and there is less MRSA in Norway than in many other European coutnries .

As a medical exchange student taking part in clinical education in Norway, a negative screening for MRSA prior to arrival is mandatory. You also have to screen again in Oslo.

Nordic students can do the testing upon arrival to Oslo only, and are therefore kindly asked to refer to the two last bullet points.

All new exchange students to medicine are asked to agree on the following:

  • You have to test in your home country before departure, and after having completed your clinical teaching that semester, so that you will no longer be exposed to a possible contamination. Samples must be taken from nose (both nostrils), throat and any eczema/rash/scars.
  • In case of a positive result, your upcoming exchange period will most probably be compromised.
  • You have to get a new screening done upon arrival to Oslo. Please get in touch with SiO-Health. The screening is done for free as long as you can give proof of being admitted to exchange at UiO. Please see details here.
  • You are not allowed to follow clinical teaching without a negative screening result from Oslo. A positive test result might interrupt your possibilities of pursuing your exchange.

Should you have any questions, please contact Anne Westheim.

Please send an email to Anne Westheim stating
“I agree on MRSA terms set by the Faculty of Medicine.” prior to your exchange:

by 20 July for the Autumn semester
by 20 December for the Spring semester

Published June 14, 2018 1:52 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 2:30 PM