Sensor guidance/assessment criteria MED3006 - Kliniske og eksperimentelle forskningsmetoder

The test form for this exam is an oral group presentation. The group work that forms the basis for the presentation is a central part of the course. The students are divided into groups consisting of approximately 6-8 people.

On the first day each group receives a scientific article to read and elaborate in a Power Point presentation that will be presented on the last day of the course. The students learn the bases for reading and interpreting a scientific article within the first two days. During the rest of the course, the students have the possibility to see in person how research (i.e. imaging, studies in-vitro and in-vivo with small and large animal models) is performed and have time to sit and work in groups on their assignment.

On the last day of the course the students give a short presentation 6-8 slides in which each member of the group presents a part of the article. The presentation should not be longer than 8 minutes (approximately 1 minute per slide/person) and is followed by 3 minutes questions to the whole group members.

Criteria for oral presentation:

  • The scientific article must be presented clearly
  • The presentation needs to follow a logical structure (e.i. background, aim/s and hypothesis, methods, main results, summary and conlusions)
  • An overview of the Methods and Results need to be presented and limitations discussed
  • Students need to show that they interpreted the research paper correctly and they have evaluated the scientific quality of the study presented

Non-pass is given if the candidate is not an active participant in the oral presentation, has not contributed sufficiently to the group's presentation or does not satisfy the academic minimum requirements set in the subject.

Published Jan. 14, 2019 10:01 AM - Last modified Jan. 14, 2019 10:01 AM