Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) - Assessment Criteria

An OSCE comprises a series of stations, usually between 5-10 minutes, in which all candidates rotates through the different stations. At each station, the candidates are assigned a written, oral og practical task to be solved within a given timespan. No aid is allowed. Before the exam, the students will be given the number of minutes available at each station. Between each station, there will be a short break to allow time for transferal. The circuit also contains resting stations.

OSCE tests medical knowledge and clinical skills such as clinical judgment, clinical examination, ability to reason, and problem-solving. Communication skills including attitude/behavior towards the patient, and linguistic dissemination and perceptiveness are also tested as well as the candidates' competence in diagnosing and treatment of diseases. The questions can be integrated or related to clinical situations from any medical subjects which has been taught, but the questions should be aligned with learning outcomes.

At each station, an examiner assesses the candidate according to certain criteria. The assessment emphasizes the following elements of the candidate:

  • clinical judgment
  • clinical examination
  • ability to reason, as well as problem solving
  • communication skills including behavior towards the patient
  • linguistic dissemination and perceptiveness
  • diagnosing and treatment of diseases
Published May 24, 2018 8:14 AM - Last modified May 24, 2018 11:22 AM