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Voice your opinion about your study programme and win prizes

If you are a bachelor or master student and answer the Studiebarometeret within the 26 of November you are in the running of winning a gift card. The study program with the highest response rate gets cake or pizza. 

Logo of Studiebarometeret

Studiebarometeret is a national student survey that examines and evaluates perceived study quality in the student's own study programme. The survey contains questions that give students the opportunity to give feedback on various aspects of the study experience, such as teaching, feedback and the learning environment. 

Studiebarometeret is a useful tool for developing the quality of education, as well as safeguarding the student's interests and needs. The more people who answer, the better the knowledge base will be for following up what can be done better in the programmes offered.

All second and fifth year students have received a personal link to answer the Studiebarometeret. If you have already answered, you are already in the running for winning a gift card.

Join the running for a gift card

Students who answer the Studiebarometeret enter into the draw for a NOK 1,000 gift card. The gift card is a Universal Present card.

The survey is anonymous and the draw cannot be traced back to your response.

The study program with the highest response rate

The students in the second and fifth year of the study program with the highest response percentage gets cake or pizza.

The winners of gift cards and competition will be contacted.

Published Nov. 15, 2023 8:53 AM - Last modified Mar. 21, 2024 3:47 PM