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Gjesteforelesninger og seminarer - Side 8

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In this talk Fanny Chabrol will present an exploratory research she conducted in Niamey in 2018-2019.

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NCMM Associate Investigator, Jacob Odeberg (MD and Professor Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Tromsø and University Hospital of North Norway) will give the talk: 'Plasma proteomics in COVID-19' as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series.

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150 år etter Frederik Holsts død. 

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NCMM Associate Investigators, Tero Aittokallio (Professor Institute for Cancer Research Oslo University Hospital and Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology UiO) and Victor Greiff (Ass. Professor Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO), will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series

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NCMM Associate Investigators, Emmet McCormack (Professor Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen) & Eivind Valen (Ass. Professor Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen), will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series

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Velkommen til dette seminaret som gir et blikk på Modum bad og Gordon Johnsens «terapeutiske filosofi» (1957-1976), arrangert av forskergruppen Medisinsk antropologi og medisinsk historie.


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NCMM Associate Investigators, Yvonne Böttcher (Professor Department of Clinical Molecular Biology, Akershus University Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO) & Cinzia Progida (Professor  Section for Physiology and Cell Biology, Department of Biosciences, UiO), will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series. 

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NCMM Associate Investigators, June Myklebust (Associate Professor, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital and Institute for Clinical Medcine, UiO)  and Joel Glover (Professor Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO) will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series.

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Welcome to this seminar with guest speaker Stephan Kloos, Acting Director, Institute for Social Anthropology Austrian Academy of Sciences. The seminar is hosted by the research group Medical Anthropology and Medical History. 


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NCMM Associate Investigators, Gunnveig Grødeland (Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO and Oslo University Hospital) and Marc Vaudel (Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen), will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series

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“The good, the bad and the ugly”. Why would we need a Centre for Healthy Ageing at the University of Oslo (UiO) and why should it be an inter-disciplinary approach? The 4th NO-Age meeting has compiled a high caliber inter-disciplinary speakers to share and discuss their expertise on such topics.


Støtter EU forskning og innovasjon på en måte som vil sette oss i stand til å løse vår tids største utfordringer?

EBRAINS (Human Brain Project) og POLITICO inviterer til debatt med toppanel 1. desember, kl 17.00. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom & Auditorium 1, Department of Chemistry, Blindern, University of Oslo

On behalf of BIOCAT, PX-Oslo and NCMM, the NBS Oslo Chapter would like to invite all interested researchers to the mini-symposium: "Biomolecular Structure and Function -  Beyond the Genetic Code", featuring Nikolina Sekulic (UiO), Stephen Cusack (EMBL) and Wei Yang (NIH) as speakers.