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Gravitate-Health together for the first time

After 18 months of digital cooperation, there finally was a physical meeting of Gravitate-Health, the research consortium with 40 partners from 15 countries where UiO is coordinator through Professor Anne Moen. They shall develop digital solutions with more adapted information on medication to strengthen adherence to treatment and improve quality of life for European patients.

Anne Moen og Giovanna Ferrara

Gravitate-Health Public-Private Partnership is led by our professor Anne Moen, Helsam in collaboration with Giovanna Ferrari, Pfizer. They were very pleased to be able to gather the entire consortium for a physical workshop now at the end of June 2022.

Photo: Åsne Rambøl Hillestad, UiO

There was a joyous and focused atmosphere when the Gravitate-Health research consortium finally gathered for an interactive workshop in Norway. The consortium is headed by Professor Anne Moen, who was awarded EUR 18.5 million from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). “When you are awarded an IMI-project , you have prepared a research and innovation project prosal that addresses the topic, speficied in the call for proposals which is intiatied by the private partners,” Professor Anne Moen explains. She is coordinating the project in partnership with Giovanna Ferrari, who represents the Pfizer pharmaceutical company. They met in person a couple of times when we prepared the project, in late 2019 and just before the COVID-19 lock down in 2020. The project started up on 1 November 2020, and now, 1.5 years after the project started, the members of the consortium meet for the first time, at a workshop in pleasant summer days in Oslo.

Different perspectives result in new approaches

At the workshop, the consortium members were divided into smaller groups by topic and areas of interest in order to get to know each other better, and contribute with their various professional expertise to clarify important topics and prioritise further work. “Meeting in person will connect people in the consortium,” says Giovanna Ferrari of Pfizer. So far, they can’t say much about the solutions they are discussing at the workshop. Gravitate-Health will create digital solutions that provide better access to information about their own medicines, and help strengthen information understanding to ensure safer medication use. “During this phase, while we are still experimenting with solution concepts, it’s important that we don’t get stuck by emphasising certain ideas over others,” explains Anne. 

The user journey shows the way towards solution

The goal is that the digital solutions the consortium arrive at will contribute to reduce risk of errors in medication use, provide more focused or adapted information to improve access and understanding of information about treatment, and in the long run increase the life quality of patients in Europe. As a collaborative tool, the Gravitate-Health project has developed personas that exemplify key challenges patients face. The films about Norwegian Maria’s user journey (YouTube) and other information about the project is available on the Gravitate-Health website:

The IMI project Gravitate-Health (grant agreement No 945334) is funded by Horizon2020, European Commission, EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations), and IMI Associated Partner Datapharm Limited.

See the pictures from the interactive workshop below.

logo gravitate health

Gravitate Health interactive workshop i Oslo 29. og 30. juni 2022.

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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published July 11, 2022 12:54 PM - Last modified July 11, 2022 1:55 PM