Annette Robertsen

Associate Professor - Centre for Medical Ethics
Image of Annette Robertsen
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Gaustadalléen 21 Forskningsparken Hus C Plan 1 0349 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1130 Blindern 0318 Oslo

Academic interests

Clinical ethics. Choosing wisely. Decisionmaking processes regarding withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment. Potentially inappropriate treatment. Strategies for dealing with uncertainty and doubt related to ethical dilemma. Interprofessional collaboration. Autonomy. Vulnerability. Family-centered care. End-of-life care in the intensive care unit. A good death. Organdonation. Medical errors. Moral distress. Moral resilience. Peer support. 


Lectures on medical ethics topics for medical students at the University of Oslo, lectures on medical ethics topics for physicians and nurses as part of my clinical work, teaching physicians in specialist training for the Norwegian medical association, some teaching for the ethic section in the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine


I studied medicine at the University of Oslo (1986-92) and I have since then worked as a physicians (1992 - now). I worked for 3 years with internal medicine (1995-1998), but changed to anesthesiology (1998 - now). I am a specialist in anesthesiology and in intensive care medicine with a European diploma of intensive care (EDIC from 2006), my clinical work is full time in the intensive care unit. I have my PhD from the University of Oslo, with the project treatment-limiting decisions in patients with traumatic brain injury, supervisions professor Reidun Førde, Center of Medical Ethics University of Oslo and Eiric Helseth, professor of neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital.

Positions held

  • Senior consultant in the intensive care unit Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway and associate professor (part time) at the Center for medical ethics, University of Oslo, Norway 


I am a member of the ethics section of the European Society of intensive care medicine (ESICM), contributed to ESICM e modules in medical ethics and a book chapter written in collaboration with collegues from the ethics section og ESICM

I was the Norwegian national coordinator for the ETHICUS II study on end-of-life care in the intensive care unit, an international multi-center study lead by Charles Sprung Israel, 11 Norwegian sites participated

I am part of the clinical ethics group in Center of medical ethics, University of Oslo

I am part of the intensive care reasearch group at Oslo University Hospital

I collaborate with researchers at St Olav, Trondheim, Norway on a project on dying in hospital - experiences and processes, the IHOD project, ongoing, in planning phase



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Published Aug. 19, 2024 11:53 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2024 2:46 PM