Joar Røkke Fystro

Image of Joar Røkke Fystro
Norwegian version of this page
Mobile phone +47 91778606 +47 917 78 606
Visiting address Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1089 Blindern 0317 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Medicine (Student) Centres directly under the University Board (Student)

Academic interests

  • Healthcare ethics and health policy in general, but particularly:
    • the use of financial incentives and compensation schemes
    • personal responsibility within health policy
    • ethical issues in biotechnology, including disclosure of genetic information to family members and reproductive technology

Teaching and supervision

  • HMAN5180 – Policy analysis and evaluation
  • HLED3000 – Bachelor's thesis in health management and health economics
  • HADM4502 – Master's thesis in health administration
  • MF9185 – Critical perspectives on health and disease (lecturing on personal health responsibility)

Collaboration and stays abroad

  • Rutgers University, Center for Population-Based Bioethics, fall 2023


  • Master of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (2020), University of Oslo
  • Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (2017), OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Bachelor's degree in Social Work (2014), OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University


Fystro, Joar Røkke (2024). Why are egg donors paid less than sperm donors? Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.  ISSN 0029-2001. 144(5), s. 353–354. Full text in English.

Fystro, Joar Røkke & Feiring, Eli (2023). Policy-makers’ conception of patient non-attendance fees in specialist healthcare: a qualitative document analysis. BMJ Open. ISSN 2044-6055. 13. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-077660.

Fystro, Joar Røkke & Thomsen, Simon (2023). Whose motivation? A conceptual and ethical analysis of nudges and incentives in physiotherapy treatment. Fysioterapeuten. ISSN 0016-3384.

Fystro, Joar Røkke & Feiring, Eli (2023). Mapping out the arguments for and against patient non-attendance fees in healthcare: an analysis of public consultation documents. Journal of Medical Ethics. ISSN 0306-6800. doi: 10.1136/jme-2022-108856.

Fystro, Joar Røkke (2023). Nonattendance fees versus legal protetction? Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.  ISSN 0029-2001. 143(2), s. 122. Full text in English.

Fystro, Joar Røkke; Hofmann, Bjørn Morten & Feiring, Eli (2022). On the person in personal health responsibility. BMC Medical Ethics. ISSN 1472-6939. 23. doi: 10.1186/s12910-022-00802-y.

Fystro, Joar Røkke (2021). Vaccines aren't a reward. Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.  ISSN 0029-2001.  141(6), p. 516.  Full text in English.

Feiring, Eli; Traina, Gloria; Fystro, Joar Røkke & Hofmann, Bjørn (2020). Avoiding hypersensitive reluctance to address parental responsibility in childhood obesity. Journal of Medical Ethics.  ISSN 0306-6800. doi: Full text in Research Archive.

Fystro, Joar Røkke (2020). When law meets morality. Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.  ISSN 0029-2001.  140(10), p. 993–995.  Full text in English.

  • Fystro, Joar Røkke (2023). From harmonious altruism to conflicting feminism: an analysis of the consultation about compensation for egg donation. Etikk i praksis. ISSN 1890-3991. 17(2), p. 7–22. doi: 10.5324/eip.v17i2.5016. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fystro, Joar Røkke & Feiring, Eli (2023). Policy-makers' conception of patient non-attendance fees in specialist healthcare: a qualitative document analysis. BMJ Open. ISSN 2044-6055. 13(11). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-077660. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fystro, Joar Røkke & Thomsen, Simon (2023). Whose motivation? A conceptual and ethical analysis of nudges and incentives in physiotherapy treatment. Fysioterapeuten. ISSN 0016-3384. 90(5), p. 82–86. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fystro, Joar Røkke & Feiring, Eli (2023). Mapping out the arguments for and against patient non-attendance fees in healthcare: An analysis of public consultation documents. Journal of Medical Ethics. ISSN 0306-6800. 49(12), p. 844–849. doi: 10.1136/jme-2022-108856. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fystro, Joar Røkke; Hofmann, Bjørn Morten & Feiring, Eli (2022). On the person in personal health responsibility. BMC Medical Ethics. ISSN 1472-6939. 23(1). doi: 10.1186/s12910-022-00802-y. Full text in Research Archive
  • Feiring, Eli; Traina, Gloria; Fystro, Joar Røkke & Hofmann, Bjørn (2020). Avoiding hypersensitive reluctance to address parental responsibility in childhood obesity. Journal of Medical Ethics. ISSN 0306-6800. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106120. Full text in Research Archive

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Published Sep. 1, 2020 2:16 PM - Last modified Apr. 30, 2024 7:52 PM