Jørund Straand

Image of Jørund Straand
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Visiting address Kirkeveien 166 Avdeling for allmennmedisin 0450 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1130 Blindern 0318 Oslo


  • Straand, Jørund; Gradmann, Christoph; Lindbæk, Morten & Simonsen, Gunnar Skov (2024). Antibiotikaresistens – historien om da bakteriene slo tilbake. Michael. ISSN 1893-9651. 21(2), p. 184–201. doi: 10.5617/michael.11441. Full text in Research Archive
  • Straand, Jørund; Gradmann, Christoph; Lindbæk, Morten & Simonsen, Gunnar Skov (2024). Antibiotika - oppdagelse og utvikling fra før bakteriologiens gjennombrudd til i dag. Michael. ISSN 1893-9651. 21(2), p. 165–183. doi: 10.5617/michael.11416. Full text in Research Archive
  • Straand, Jørund & Wit, Niek de (2024). The transition of general practice into an academic discipline: tracing the origins through the first four professors in general practice/family medicine. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2024.2335537.
  • Tibelles, Hatuia Bø; Jenum, Anne Karen; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Berg, Tore Julsrud; Claudi, Tor & Cooper, John [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2024). High prevalence of retinopathy in young-onset type 2 diabetes and possible sex differences: insights from Norwegian general practice. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. ISSN 2052-4897. 12(1). doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2023-003624.
  • Fiske, Mari; Moen, Anne; Mdala, Ibrahimu & Straand, Jørund (2024). Malnutrition and Polypharmacy in Older Adult Patients Receiving Home Care Nursing Services: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. ISSN 1525-8610. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.11.016.
  • Heltveit-Olsen, Silje Rebekka; Lunde, Lene; Brænd, Anja Maria; Spehar, Ivan; Høye, Sigurd & Sundvall, Pär-Daniel [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2024). Local management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a longitudinal interview study of municipality chief medical officers. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 42(1), p. 214–224. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2023.2301562. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fossum, Guro Haugen; Brænd, Anja Maria; Heltveit-Olsen, Silje Rebekka; Rørtveit, Guri; Høye, Sigurd & Straand, Jørund (2023). Symptoms, symptom severity, and contact with primary health care among nonhospitalized COVID-19 patients: a Norwegian web-based survey. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 41(4), p. 427–434. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2023.2266477. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skow, Marius Andre Hybbestad; Fossum, Guro Haugen; Høye, Sigurd; Straand, Jørund; Brænd, Anja Maria & Emilsson, Louise (2023). Hospitalizations and severe complications following acute sinusitis in general practice: a registry-based cohort study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. ISSN 0305-7453. 78(9), p. 2217–2227. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkad227. Full text in Research Archive
  • Forthun, Ingeborg; Rørtveit, Guri; Fossum, Guro Haugen; Jørgensen, Pål; Halvorsen, Peder Andreas & Nilsen, Stein [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). Søvnforstyrrelser og forskrivning av hypnotika i allmennpraksis – en PraksisNett-studie. SØVN. ISSN 1891-5493. p. 11–15. Full text in Research Archive
  • Skow, Marius; Fossum, Guro Haugen; Høye, Sigurd; Straand, Jørund; Emilsson, Louise & Brænd, Anja Maria (2023). Antibiotic treatment of respiratory tract infections in adults in Norwegian general practice. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance (JAC-AMR). ISSN 2632-1823. 5(1). doi: 10.1093/jacamr/dlac135. Full text in Research Archive
  • Heltveit-Olsen, Silje Rebekka; Lunde, Lene; Brænd, Anja Maria Lyche; Spehar, Ivan; Høye, Sigurd & Skoglund, Ingmarie [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2022). Experiences and management strategies of Norwegian GPs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal interview study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2022.2142796. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Halvorsen, Peder Andreas; Nilsen, Stein; Fossum, Guro Haugen & Fors, Egil Andreas [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2022). The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 40(2), p. 217–226. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2022.2073966. Full text in Research Archive
  • Østrem, Anders; Bruusgaard, Kari A.; Hellem, Elisabet & Straand, Jørund (2021). Lungerehabilitering av kolspasienter i primærhelsetjenesten - en pilotundersøkelse i to norske kommuner. Fysioterapeuten. ISSN 0016-3384. 88(6), p. 10–15.
  • Straand, Jørund & Sandvik, Hogne (2021). Professor Niels Berner Sørenssen (1774-1857) - teori og praksis i en medisinsk brytningstid. Michael quarterly. Supplement. ISSN 1893-0808. 18, p. 218–238.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund & Brænd, Anja Maria (2021). Good communication was valued as more important than accessibility according to 707 Nordic primary care patients: a report from the QUALICOPC study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2021.1928837. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fog, Amura Francesca; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Engedal, Knut & Straand, Jørund (2020). Variation between nursing homes in drug use and in drug-related problems. BMC Geriatrics. ISSN 1471-2318. doi: 10.1186/s12877-020-01745-y.
  • Romskaug, Rita; Wyller, Torgeir Bruun; Straand, Jørund; Kersten, Hege & Molden, Espen (2020). Prescribed Doses of CYP2D6-Metabolized Drugs and Hemodynamic Responses in Relation to CYP2D6 Genotype Among Older Patients Exposed to Polypharmacy. Drugs & Aging. ISSN 1170-229X. 37(6), p. 425–433. doi: 10.1007/s40266-020-00763-0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Straand, Jørund; Russell, Michael Bjørn & Lundqvist, Christofer (2019). Validity of self-reported assessment of severity of dependence scale in medication-overuse headache. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. ISSN 1877-8860. 19(4), p. 837–841. doi: 10.1515/sjpain-2019-0022.
  • Lundqvist, Christofer; Gossop, Michael; Russell, Michael Bjørn; Straand, Jørund & Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug (2019). Severity of Analgesic Dependence and Medication-overuse Headache . Journal of addiction medicine. ISSN 1932-0620. 13(5), p. 346–353. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000504.
  • Fetveit, Arne; Straand, Jørund; Bjorvatn, Bjørn & Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug (2019). Self-reported sleeplessness in 12,655 persons living in the north of Norway: The Tromsø Study. Sleep Science. ISSN 1984-0659. 12(3), p. 147–155. doi: 10.5935/1984-0063.20190070. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rolfsjord, Ingrid; Mdala, Ibrahimu & Straand, Jørund (2019). Sykebesøk på sykehjem: Får vaktlegen nok pasientinformasjon? : . Sykepleien Forskning. ISSN 1890-2936. doi: 10.4220/sykepleienf.2019.75498.
  • Romskaug, Rita; Skovlund, Eva; Straand, Jørund; Molden, Espen; Kersten, Hege & Pitkala, Kaisu H [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2019). Effect of clinical geriatric assessments and collaborative medication reviews by geriatrician and family physician for improving health-related quality of life in home-dwelling older patients receiving polypharmacy: a cluster randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine. ISSN 2168-6106. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.5096. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fog, Amura Francesca; Straand, Jørund; Engedal, Knut & Blix, Hege Salvesen (2019). Drug use differs by care level. A cross-sectional comparison between older people living at home or in a nursing home in Oslo, Norway. BMC Geriatrics. ISSN 1471-2318. 19. doi: 10.1186/s12877-019-1064-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2018). Patients´ and GPs´ expectations regarding healthcare-seeking behavior: a Norwegian comparative study. British Journal of General Practice Open. ISSN 2398-3795. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen18X101615. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rognstad, Sture; Brekke, Mette; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Fetveit, Arne; Gjelstad, Svein & Straand, Jørund (2018). Characteristics of General Practitioners (GPs) responding to an educational intervention to minimize inappropriate prescriptions. Subgroup analyses of 449 GPs participating in the Prescription Peer Academic Detailing (Rx-PAD) study. . British Journal of General Practice Open. ISSN 2398-3795. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen18X101373. Full text in Research Archive
  • Rognstad, Sture; Brekke, Mette; Gjelstad, Svein; Straand, Jørund & Fetveit, Arne (2018). Potentially inappropriate prescribing to older patients: Criteria, prevalence and an intervention to reduce it: The Prescription Peer Academic Detailing (Rx-PAD) Study - A cluster-randomized, educational intervention in Norwegian general practice. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. ISSN 1742-7835. 123(4), p. 380–391. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.13040.
  • Straand, Jørund & Cooper, Jeanette (2018). Legemiddelkonsulentbesøk i allmennpraksis observert av femteårsstudenter. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 138(1), p. 1–9. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0078.
  • Espelid, Ivar; Simonsen, Kristian Anton; Skaare, Anne B; Willumsen, Tiril; Straand, Jørund & Gjelstad, Svein [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2018). Forskningsnettverk med leger og tannleger. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende. ISSN 0029-2303. 128(1), p. 8–14.
  • Espelid, Ivar✝; Simonsen, Kristian Anton; Skaare, Anne B; Willumsen, Tiril; Straand, Jørund & Gjelstad, Svein [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2018). Forskningsnettverk med leger og tannleger: et pilotprosjekt med datauttrekk fra elektronisk pasientjournal. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende. ISSN 0029-2303. 128(1), p. 8–14.
  • Skaare, Anne B; Simonsen, Kristian Anton; Espelid, Ivar✝; Straand, Jørund; Gjelstad, Svein & Klock, Kristin [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2018). Medikamentelt utløst munntørrhet hos to pasientgrupper: Et pilotprosjekt blant leger og tannleger basert på data fra elektroniske pasientjournaler og spørreskjema. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende. ISSN 0029-2303. 128(1), p. 16–23.
  • Sundseth, Anne Cathrine; Gjelstad, Svein; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2018). General practitioners' prescriptions of benzodiazepines, Z-hypnotics and opioid analgesics for elderly patients during direct and indirect contacts. A cross-sectional, observational study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 36(2), p. 115–122. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2018.1459164. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dalbak, Lene Gjelseth; Schirmer, Henrik; Straand, Jørund; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Solberg, Ole Geir & Melbye, Hasse (2018). Impaired left ventricular filling is associated with decreased pulse oximetry values. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. ISSN 1401-7431. 52(4), p. 211–217. doi: 10.1080/14017431.2018.1464662.
  • Brænd, Anja Maria; Straand, Jørund & Klovning, Atle (2017). Clinical drug trials in general practice: how well are external validity issues reported? BMC Family Practice. ISSN 1471-2296. 18(1). doi: 10.1186/s12875-017-0680-7.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund; Björkelund, Cecilia; Kosunen, Elise; Thorgeirsson, Ofeigur & Vedsted, Peter [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2017). Differences in medical services in Nordic general practice: a comparative survey from the QUALICOPC study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 35(2), p. 153–161. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2017.1333323. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nyborg, Gunhild; Brekke, Mette; Straand, Jørund; Gjelstad, Svein & Romøren, Maria (2017). Potentially inappropriate medication use in nursing homes: an observational study using the NORGEP-NH criteria. BMC Geriatrics. ISSN 1471-2318. 17:220, p. 1–11. doi: 10.1186/s12877-017-0608-z.
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2017). Predictors of successful primary care detoxification treatment for medication-overuse headache. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. ISSN 0001-6314. 136(5), p. 486–494. doi: 10.1111/ane.12759.
  • Næss, Gro; Kirkevold, Marit; Hammer, Wenche; Straand, Jørund & Wyller, Torgeir Bruun (2017). Nursing care needs and services utilised by home-dwelling elderly with complex health problems: Observational study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN 1472-6963. 17(1). doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2600-x.
  • Fog, Amura Francesca; Kvalvaag, Gunnar; Engedal, Knut & Straand, Jørund (2017). Drug-related problems and changes in drug utilization after medication reviews in nursing homes in Oslo, Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 35(4), p. 329–335. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2017.1397246.
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2017). Lasting improvement of medication-overuse headache after brief intervention - a long-term follow-up in primary care. European Journal of Neurology. ISSN 1351-5101. 24(7), p. 883–891. doi: 10.1111/ene.13318.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund; Melbye, Hasse; Rørtveit, Guri; Hetlevik, Irene & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2016). Patient experiences and the association with organizational factors in general practice: Results from the Norwegian part of the international, multi-centre, cross-sectional QUALICOPC study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN 1472-6963. 16(428). doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1684-z. Full text in Research Archive
  • Brænd, Anja Maria; Straand, Jørund; Jakobsen, Rune Bruhn & Klovning, Atle (2016). Publication and non-publication of drug trial results: A 10-year cohort of trials in Norwegian general practice. BMJ Open. ISSN 2044-6055. 6(4). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010535. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2016). Disability, anxiety and depression in patients with medication-overuse headache in primary care - the BIMOH study. European Journal of Neurology. ISSN 1351-5101. 23, p. 28–35. doi: 10.1111/ene.12850.
  • Dalbak, Lene Gjelseth; Straand, Jørund & Melbye, Hasse (2015). Should pulse oximetry be included in GPs' assessment of patients with obstructive lung disease? Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 33(4), p. 305–310. doi: 10.3109/02813432.2015.1117283. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Vetvik, Kjersti; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2015). Brief intervention by general practitioners for medication-overuse headache, follow-up after 6 months: a pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial. Journal of Neurology. ISSN 0340-5354. Published ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s00415-015-7975-1.
  • Nyborg, Gunhild; Straand, Jørund; Klovning, Atle & Brekke, Mette (2015). The Norwegian General Practice-Nursing Home criteria (NORGEP-NH) for potentially inappropriate medication use: A web-based Delphi study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. ISSN 0281-3432. 33(2), p. 134–141. doi: 10.3109/02813432.2015.1041833. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Vetvik, Kjersti; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2015). Brief intervention for medication-overuse headache in primary care. The BIMOH study: a double-blind pragmatic cluster randomised parallel controlled trial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. ISSN 0022-3050. 86(5), p. 505–512. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2014-308548.

View all works in Cristin

  • Skow, Marius; Emilsson, Louise; Straand, Jørund; Høye, Sigurd & Fossum, Guro Haugen (2024). Complicated courses of sinusitis in general practice in an era of antibiotic stewardship.
  • Straand, Jørund & Emilsson, Louise (2023). Alderdom. In Hunskaar, Steinar (Eds.), Allmennmedisin. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-57986-6. p. 953–964.
  • Tellnes, Gunnar; Straand, Jørund & Kolstad, Nils (2023). Ole Didrik Lærum. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 143(4). doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0073.
  • Tibballs, Katrina Louise Bø; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Jenum, Anne Karen; Straand, Jørund & Buhl, Esben Selmer (2023). Country background, education level, employment and disability in young-onset type 2 diabetes.
  • Tibballs, Katrina Louise Bø; Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen; Jenum, Anne Karen; Straand, Jørund & Buhl, Esben Selmer (2023). EDUCATION LEVEL AND COUNTRY BACKGROUND IN YOUNG-ONSET TYPE 2 DIABETES.
  • Sandvik, Hogne & Straand, Jørund (2023). Terapeutiske beslutninger og handlinger . In Hunskaar, Steinar (Eds.), Allmennmedisin. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-57986-6. p. 122–130.
  • Skow, Marius; Fossum, Guro Haugen; Høye, Sigurd; Straand, Jørund; Brænd, Anja Maria & Emilsson, Louise (2023). Antibiotic Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections in Adults in Norwegian General Practice.
  • Straand, Jørund (2022). Allmennmedisin 50 år (som) universitetsfag i Bergen. Per Fugelli: La ikke dette bli de selvgodes hvileskjær. Utposten. ISSN 0800-5680. 51(7), p. 20–23.
  • Straand, Jørund & Hunskaar, Steinar (2022). Videre- og etterutdanning for allmennleger - en kjerneoppgave. Michael. ISSN 1893-9651. 19, p. 261–278.
  • Straand, Jørund; Malterud, Kirsti & Hunskaar, Steinar (2022). Forskningen på 1990-tallet: medgang avler medgang. Michael. ISSN 1893-9651. 19, p. 137–153.
  • Skow, Marius; Fossum, Guro Haugen; Høye, Sigurd; Straand, Jørund; Emilsson, Louise & Brænd, Anja Maria (2022). Antibiotic treatment of adult patients with respiratory tract infections in Norwegian general practice: A nationwide registry-based study.
  • Fossum, Guro Haugen; Brænd, Anja Maria Lyche; Heltveit-Olsen, Silje Rebekka; Høye, Sigurd; Rørtveit, Guri & Straand, Jørund (2022). CovidNor - The Patient Study.
  • Heltveit-Olsen, Silje Rebekka; Lunde, Lene; Brænd, Anja Maria; Spehar, Ivan; Høye, Sigurd & Skoglund, Ingmarie [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2022). Experiences and management strategies of Norwegian GPs during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal interview study. .
  • Straand, Jørund (2020). Institutt for helse og samfunn 10 år: Hvem og hvor stammer vi fra? Bidrag til instituttets "slektshistorie".
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). "De mørke Maaneders indflydelse paa Blodet" - klinisk forskning i norsk allmennpraksis anno 1909.
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Allmennmedisinsk kanon: mens allmennpraksis er urgammel har det medisinske faget allmennmedisin en kort historie.
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Allmennmedisin - urgammel praksis, ungt fag.
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). PraksisNett – en infrastruktur for klinisk forskning i allmennpraksis .
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Formidling av forskningsresultater – til kolleger og til publikum .
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Fra idé til prosjekt 2: Planlegging er halve jobben. Arbeidsplan (”protokoll”) for prosjektet. Hva hører hjemme i en forskningsprotokoll? .
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Når vi ikke kan stole på forskningsresultatene: Publication bias .
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Allmennmedisin som forskningsbasert fag. Grunnlaget for de ulike forskningstradisjonene i medisinen .
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Blodtrykket: diagnosen og behandlingen.
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Avdeling for allmennmedisin - 50 års historie på 40 minutter .
  • Straand, Jørund; Bentzen, Niels; Björkelund, Cecilia; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust & Puustinen, Raimo (2019). Birth and growth of academic general practice in the Nordic countries.
  • Straand, Jørund (2019). Forskningsbehov og forskningsressurser i norsk allmennmedisin. . Utposten. ISSN 0800-5680. 48(5), p. 15–17.
  • Straand, Jørund; Bentzen, Niels; Björkelund, Cecilia; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust & Puustingen, Rob (2019). Birth and growth of academic practice in the Nordic countries. 21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2018). How can a general practitioner help? Patients’ and doctors’ views on reasons for visiting a GP; results from Norway. .
  • Straand, Jørund (2018). 101lærerike kasuistikker fra allmennpraksis. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 138(5). doi: 10.104045/tidsskr.17.1002.
  • Straand, Jørund (2018). En ektefødt sekstiåtter på universitetet. Dagens medisin. ISSN 1501-4290. 20(19), p. 57–57.
  • Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Straand, Jørund; Halvorsen, Peder Andreas; Wensaas, Knut-Arne; Bellika, Johan Gustav & Fors, Egil Andreas [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2018). PraksisNett - et nettverk av fastlegepraksiser. En storsatsing på forskning i allmennpraksis. Utposten. ISSN 0800-5680. p. 40–43.
  • Ruths, Sabine; Straand, Jørund; Harald A, Nygaard & Hodneland, Fernande (2017). Drug treatment of heart failure – do nursing home residents deserve better? .
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2017). Differences in Nordic general practitioners´ participation in treatment and follow-up of common medical conditions.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2017). Nordic general practitioners´ role in the treatment and follow-up of common medical conditions.
  • Brænd, Anja Maria; Straand, Jørund & Klovning, Atle (2017). Clinical drug trials in general practice: How well are external validity issues reported?
  • Romskaug, Rita; Molden, Espen; Straand, Jørund; Kersten, Hege; Skovlund, Eva & Pitkala, Kaisu H [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2017). Cooperation between geriatricians and general practitioners for improved pharmacotherapy in home-dwelling elderly people receiving polypharmacy - the COOP Study: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials. ISSN 1745-6215. 18(1). doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-1900-0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2016). Procedures, tests and medical equipment in Nordic general practice.
  • Rosvold, Elin Olaug; Ruths, Sabine; Janssen, S & Straand, Jørund (2016). Turning general practitioners into researchers. Experiences from the Norwegian research school in general practice.
  • Rosvold, Elin Olaug; Ruths, Sabine; Janssen, Siri Evju & Straand, Jørund (2016). Turning general practitioners into researchers. Experiences from The Norwegian Research School in General Practice (NAFALM).
  • Rosvold, Elin Olaug; Straand, Jørund; Ruths, Sabine; Klovning, Atle; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust & Melbye, Hasse [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2016). Research training in general practice. Experience from the Norwegian Research School in General Practice.
  • Rosvold, Elin Olaug; Straand, Jørund; Kvalvaag, Gunnar & Os, Ingrid (2015). Clinical rotations in nursing homes in medical education.
  • Ruths, Sabine & Straand, Jørund (2015). Eldre og legemidler. Kap. G 10 i Norsk legemiddelhåndbok.
  • Nyborg, Gunhild; Straand, Jørund; Klovning, Atle; Klovning, Atle & Brekke, Mette (2015). The Norwegian General Practice Nursing Home criteria (NORGEP-NH) for potentially inappropriate medication use. A web based Delphi study.
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2015). Brief intervention for medication-overuse headache in primary care (the bimoh study) – An open long-term follow-up.
  • LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER; Gossop, Michael; Russell, Michael Bjørn; Straand, Jørund & Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug (2015). Dependence like behaviour in medication-overuse headache.
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2015). Brief Intervention for Medication-Overuse Headache in primary care (the BIMOH study): an open long-term follow-up. European Journal of Neurology. ISSN 1351-5101. 22, p. 78–78.
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2015). Brief Intervention for Medication-Overuse Headache in primary care (the BIMOH study): an open long-term follow-up.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Melbye, Hasse; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2015). Are patient experiences in general practice affected by independent organizational factors?
  • Brænd, Anja Maria; Straand, Jørund & Klovning, Atle (2015). Clinical drug trials in Norwegian general practice: Publication output and missing trial data.
  • Eide, Torunn Bjerve; Melbye, Hasse; Straand, Jørund & Rosvold, Elin Olaug (2014). Norske allmennlegers arbeidshverdag – hva skjer på legekontorene og hvordan opplever pasientene det?
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Vetvik, Kjersti; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2014). Behandlingseffekt og tilbakefall av medikamentoverforbrukshodepine 12 måneder etter behandling i primærhelsetjenesten: En klynge-randomisert kontrollert studie.
  • Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Straand, Jørund; Vetvik, Kjersti; Russell, Michael Bjørn & LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2014). EHMTI-0251. Brief intervention for medication-overuse headache in primary care - 1-year follow-up – the BIMOH study. The Journal of Headache and Pain. ISSN 1129-2369. 15, p. C31–C31. doi: 10.1186/1129-2377-15-S1-C31.
  • Straand, Jørund & Brænd, Anja Maria (2014). Det du ikke vet kan skade. NRK Ytring.

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Published Apr. 13, 2011 2:45 PM - Last modified July 17, 2012 1:56 PM