Tore Hofstad

Guest researcher
Image of Tore Hofstad
Mobile phone +47 466 64 946

Norsk versjon


  • 2022 - now: Postdoctoral researcher, SIFER-Vest, Helse Bergen
  • 2019 - 2022: PhD, psychiatric epidemiology, UIO.
  • 2016 - 2018: MA, Master's degree in political science, UIO.
  • 2012 - 2015: BA, Bachelor's degree in political science, UIO.
  • 2002 - 2018: Mental health care worker in acute and geriatric mental health care.

Research interests

  • Compulsory mental health care
  • Variation in health services
  • Causal inference from observational data
  • Registry data and data visualisation using R
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)


Hofstad, T., Nyttingnes, O., Markussen, S., Johnsen, E., Killackey, E., McDaid, D., ... & Mykletun, A. (2023). Long term outcomes and causal modelling of compulsory inpatient and outpatient mental health care using Norwegian registry data: Protocol for a controversies in psychiatry research project. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, e1980.

Nyttingnes, O., Benth, J. Š., Hofstad, T., & Rugkåsa, J. (2023). The relationship between area levels of involuntary psychiatric care and patient outcomes: a longitudinal national register study from NorwayBMC psychiatry23(1), 112.

Hofstad, T. (2022). Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation in Norway 2014-2018. PhD-thesis.

Hofstad, T., Husum, T. L., Rugkåsa, J., & Hofmann, B. M. (2022). Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation–ethical challengesBMC Health Services Research22(1), 1-12.

Hofstad, T., Rugkåsa, J., Ose, S.O., Nyttingnes, O., Kjus, S.H.H., and Husum, T.L. (2021), Service Characteristics and Geographical Variation in Compulsory Hospitalisation: An Exploratory Random Effects Within–Between Analysis of Norwegian Municipalities, 2015–2018. Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Hofstad, T., Rugkåsa, J., Ose, S.O., Nyttingnes, O. and Husum, T.L. (2021), Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res e1881.

Hofstad, T., Hampton, J. A., & Hofmann, B. (2020). What Makes Some Diseases More Typical than Others? A Survey on the Impact of Disease Characteristics and Professional Background on Disease Typicality. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.

Hofstad, Tore (2019). QCA & the Robustness range of calibration thresholds: how sensitive are solution terms to changing calibrations? COMPASSS Working Paper Series 2019-92.


Published Jan. 8, 2019 12:35 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 11:25 AM