Module 2 – Interpersonal Skills

A knowledge of self is imperative in leadership training. If you would like to gain leadership skills, then focusing on yourself and your strengths are the first steps. This Module will explore ways of becoming the best version of yourself.

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Having defined leadership in Module 1, we encourage you to look inwards, at yourself. Module 2 will address self-reflection, self-assessment, self-knowledge, and self-efficacy, providing tips and tools that might be important and useful to you.

Learning objectives

Personal competencies

  • Facilitate the understanding and importance of self-awareness
  • Foster the understanding of and strategies for self-reflection
  • Foster and increase the understanding and importance of self-promotion


  • Enhance the ability to reflect on leadership skills, traits, and styles
  • Use of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis in professional assessments

Module 2a) Self-reflection


Who are you? What are your strengths? What are you challenges? What do you like and what do you dislike? The answers to these questions will influence your relationship with others, how you communicate, and how you perform as a leader.


  1. Create a personal SWOT, using the questions posed in the video and listed in the resources section below. This is not related to your knowledge of topics or your intelligence, but rather your own personal traits. Remember, there is no right or wrong, so be honest since the only one you will trick, is yourself. Ponder the questions and discuss with a peer, mentor or family member afterwards.
  2. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 2a? 

Resources (SWOT)

Helpful Harmful
Strengths Weaknesses
  • What do you do well?
  • What do others see as your strengths?
  • What unique resources can you draw on?
  • Why did you start this video?
  • To what do you attribute your success?
  • What could you improve?
  • What are others likely to see as weaknesses?
  • Where do you have fewer resources than others?
Opportunities Threats
  • What good opportunities are open to you?
  • What could you take advantage of?
  • How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?
  • What could harm you?
  • What obstacles do you face?

Module 2b) Self-assessment


Self-assessment differs from the act of self-judgment. It is human nature to often judge ourselves or focus on our weaknesses and shortcomings. Now we will discuss the importance of identifying personal strengths. We will reflect on the imperative of strength-based leadership as, “a person can only perform from strength” (P. Drucker).


  1. Think about what makes you unique.
  2. Identify 3 personal and 3 professional strengths. Reflect on how you feel when you express your strengths. 
  3. How does a strength-based approach fit with the culture and common way of thinking in your community?
  4. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 2b?

Module 2c) Self-knowledge


Self-knowledge is an essential trait of a great leader. By knowing your values, personality, needs, habits, emotions, and how these affect your actions and the actions of others, you will be better able to manage your stress, make decisions and ultimately lead others to do the same. Self-knowledge fosters self-control, increases self-reflection, and strengthens self-advocacy.


  1. Reflect upon things you enjoy and things you are good at. 
  2. Reflect on the concept of self-advocacy. How is this perceived in your culture?
  3. Reflect on your ability to self-advocate. What grade do you give yourself?
  4. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 2c?


*We suggest to right-click and open the resource article below in a different tab/window.

Module 2d) Self-efficacy


Self-efficacy is having a realistic confidence in that one can successfully perform an activity. It is established through experience such as performing tasks and jobs, seeing others successful in jobs you aspire to, or having respected colleagues providing feedback when noticing your competency. Self-efficacy reflects the total sum of your confidence in your ability to exert control over your personal motivation, behavior, and social environment.


  1. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
  2. Which steps related to personal development do you need to take to get there?
  3. What do you consider as the three key messages in Module 2d?


*We suggest to right-click and open the resource article below in a different tab/window.

Supplemental Conversation

Professors Jeanette H. Magnus and Bernadette Kumar discuss several aspects of leadership styles and ways to identify the best style for yourself when stepping into a leadership role. The takeaway message is to select the style that is most relevant to you as a person. Although leadership includes others, it is important to begin the journey with yourself and look inwards. When developing leadership skills, it is key to take the time needed to get to know yourself well before considering which leadership style you would like to possess. For example, identifying your core values is one thing that will assist you with the selection of a style that is most fitting to you as an individual. Over time, your core values may change, however it is imperative to recognize these throughout and continue to reflect on yourself while advancing in leadership. 


Continue to Module 3 - Time Management

Published Feb. 4, 2022 4:15 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2022 3:32 PM