Call for papers to an Article Series on Global Health 2017

Norad and the Centre for Global Health at the University of Oslo herby invites you to respond to a call for contributions of manuscripts to the series ‘Global Health in the Era of Agenda 2030’. Expression of interest to participate in the call for papers: January 31, 2017.

globe with stetoscope

Illustrasjon: Thinkstock / Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening

The texts will be published in The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association under the heading "Perspectives" as part of the journal's opinion section (please note that original articles could also be submitted). Authors (or a lead author) should be affiliated to a Norwegian institution.

UPDATE: We encourage all authors to submit articles in English.

The manuscripts can be submitted in English or a Scandinavian language, although we encourage authors to submit in English as that will be the language of the published paper. Articles submitted in a Scandinavian language will be translated after acceptance. We open for online publication from February-November 2017, and all accepted texts will be published online and in print as they emerge.

A selection of the articles will be published in a special print issue of Tidsskriftet at the end of 2017.

Expression of interest

All authors are free to submit their articles to the 'Tidsskriftet'. However, to be considered for submission in this call (‘Global Health in the Era of Agenda 2030’), please submit a title and a short summary (1/2 page) to the Secretariat by January 31st 2017. The Secretariat will inform the author(s) if the suggestion is within the scope of the call.


The manuscripts shall then be submitted to Tidsskriftet using the journal's standard submission procedure (please see instructions for authors), marking the manuscript as part of the call (‘Global Health in the Era of Agenda 2030’). Tidsskriftet will accept or reject submitted papers following their standard editorial procedures, while consulting the secretariat on whether the manuscripts are suitable for the series. The final decision on whether the papers will be included in the special printed edition will be made by the secretariat in collaboration with Tidsskriftet.


  • Expression of interest to participate in the call for papers: January 31, 2017
  • Publication of accepted articles: as they emerge from February/March 2017- November 2017
  • Final deadline for submission of manuscripts relating to the call: August 1, 2017
Please indicate under which theme you wish to contribute to
English Norsk
Agenda 2030: Equity, access, human rights and governance – how it is linked Agenda 2030: Rettferdig tilgang på tjenester, menneskerettigheter, styring og ledelse.
The history of an evolving idea - global public Health

Global helse/folkehelse - historie

Global health governance and global governance for health Global helsestyring og styring for global helse
Determinants for health - changing landscape Determinanter for helse - skiftende landskap
Global health initiatives and funds: Impact and potentials for the future Betydning av globale helseinitiativer og fond
Global burden of disease and the importance of good data Den globale sykdomsbyrden og betydningen av gode data
The epidemic of non-communicable diseases Ikke- smittsomme sykdommer
Global mental health Global mental helse
Migration and global health Migrasjon og global helse
Increased share of the poor living in middle income countries – implications for health services Økt andel fattige i mellominntektsland – betydning for helsetjenester
Synergies between education and global Health

Synergier mellom utdanning og global helse

Lessons for the sustainable development goals from working on communicable diseases from Polio to HIV – eradication and the future zero agenda

Erfaringer fra arbeid med smittsomme sykdommer for bærekraftsmålene (Visjon 2030)

Humanitarian crisis and conflict Helse i humanitære kriser og konflikt
Health in all stages of life, vulnerability and marginalization: Children, women and elderly Livsløpsperspektiv, sårbarhet og marginalisering: Barn, kvinner og eldre
Neglected diseases Cinderella-sykdommer/neglisjerte sykdommer
Universal Health Coverage Universell helsedekning
Innovative financing mechanisms for health systems in low income countries and middle income countries Innovative finansieringsmekanismer for helsesystemer i lav- og mellominntektsland
Health worker shortage - crisis or opportunity
Helsearbeidermangel - krise eller mulighet
Metrics: Access to and use of quality data for health Tilgang til helseinformasjon og data
Innovative tools and approaches to improve health at scale. Robots, digitalizing and communication. Innovativt utstyr/teknologi og tilnærminger . Roboter, digitalisering og kommunikasjon.

What counts? The metrics of global health

Måler og verdier: metrics i global helse
Achieving the demographic dividend and health for all in Sub-Saharan Africa Oppnåelse av demografisk dividend og helse for alle i Afrika sør for Sahara (dvs. demografisk utvikling og sikring av helse for alle)
Gender, laws and policies – the role of legal frameworks Kjønn, lover og politikk: betydning av juridiske rammer
One Health One health
Global health Security Global helsesikkerhet
Anti-microbial resistance Antibiotikaresistens
Climate and health of humanity Klima og verdens helse
The nutrition agenda Ernæringsagendaen
Global health at home Global helse hjemme
Everyday life at the permanent mission in Geneva Hverdagen i Genève for den permanente norske delegasjonen
Veritas: Spaceship Earth Veritas: Spaceship Earth

Published Dec. 20, 2017 12:45 PM - Last modified May 10, 2021 11:00 AM