One Health Networks

One Heath is an established area of competence at the Centre for Global Health, which has assumed leading roles in national and international One Health networks. These networks include The Lancet One Health Commission and the National Platform for One Health.

The Lancet One Health Commission

The ambition of The Lancet One Health Commission is to generate insight into the interconnected nature of health among humans, animals, plants, and the wider environment, and to galvanize transformations in global governance, economics, and knowledge to ensure equitable, sustainable, and healthy socioecological systems in the 21st century and beyond.

The National Platform for One Health

The aim of the National Platform for One Health is to provide an arena in which academia, government, industry, NGOs, and civil society can collaborate to advance health among humans, animals, plants, and the wider environment. The Platform will serve as a competence network and virtual forum where resources about One Health and information about One Health activities in Norway can be collected and shared.

In partnership with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the foundations for the National Platform for One Health have been established through the following activities and events:


The first, national One Health conference “One Health in the 21st Century 2021”

A short film about One Health

An event at Arendalsuka 2022, “Én helse, én klode – og bare én sjanse?”

It is anticipated that the National Platform for One Health will be fully launched in conjunction with the 2023 launch of The Lancet One Health Commission report.