Women in Global Health Norway - Oslo meeting

Please be welcome to a meeting in the Women in Global Health Norway network, inspired by and in celebration of the recent issue on 'Women in science, medicine and global health' from The Lancet. The Oslo hub will use this opportunity to discuss the next steps and initiatives of the WGH Norway platform.


14:45-15:00: Mingling, coffee and some light refreshments

15:00: Welcome and update on the Women in Global Health activities – Andrea S. Winkler

15:10: Introductory remarks Sigrun Møgedal

15:30: World Café - Discussion in groups at the tables with Inger Brummenæs Scheel, Benedikte Louise Alveberg, Sidsel Roalkvam, Øyunn Holen and Tonje Tingbjerg.

16:15-17:00: Harvesting - Plenum discussion where all tables present the main outcome from their discussions - Benedikte Louise Alveberg

Inspired by the February issue of the Lancet “Advancing women in science, medicine and global health” and to follow up on our successful launch of the Women in Global Health Norway in November, we would like to gather our local hub of Women in Global Health Norway for an informal "world café" meeting.

With this meeting we wish to invite our participants to a social and inclusive discussion, to get inputs from the participants in the network for the next steps for the movement. What do we experience as the biggest challenges for women working with global health in Norway? What should the platform target? What solutions, actions and strategies would be relevant in order to tackle these challenges?

The discussion will be inspired by the world café concept, with discussions in groups, based on some overall questions.

Photo: Øystein Horgmo (UiO)

This meeting will be held in Oslo, and we have invited Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø to organize similar meetings this spring. A summing up of the local meetings may be organized during the Global Health conference in Bergen in April.  

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Tags: Women in Global Health Norway, Women in Global Health, centre for global health
Published Feb. 25, 2019 1:01 PM - Last modified June 7, 2023 10:19 AM