The “Triple Dividend”: Investing in Gender Equality within the Global Health Workforce

Women in Global Health & Women in Global Health Norway welcome you to join this upcoming webinar focusing on the "triple dividend" of better health, gender equality and economic growth. The discussion will include a high-level panel of speakers who will explore the best practice policies to accelerate gender equality so that the health workforce can make a major contribution to better health for all.

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Report: Delivered by Women, Led by Men: A Gender and Equity Analysis of the Global Health Workforce

Session Objectives

1. To increase awareness of the pivotal role that women play in the health and social care workforce. To promote gender transformative leadership and the delivery of a “triple dividend” of better health, gender equality, and economic growth.

2. To highlight the importance of women in the health workforce and their role in promoting global health security for strong and resilient health systems in the context of COVID-19.

3. To encourage governments and other stakeholders to commit to closing the gender pay gap in in the healthcare sector, to addressing the scourge of unpaid work, and to achieving 50% women in health leadership roles by 2030.

4. To mobilize civil society to advocate for gender equality in the health workforce as part of the commitment to Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.

We only have a decade left to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), therefore, it is essential to understand the gender-related trends and dynamics in the health workforce in order to build resilient health systems and achieve universal health coverage. By investing in gender equity in the health workforce, governments can reap a “triple dividend” by accelerating the achievement of not only SDG 3 (health & well-being) and SDG 5 (gender equality), but also for achieving other SDGs, such as SDG 4 (quality education) and SDG 8 (decent work & inclusive economic growth).

This webinar will explore the smart strategies that are needed to close the gender pay gap, reduce women’s unpaid work, address occupational segregation, and increase the low proportion of women in leadership roles in the health sector globally. It will address the synergies between the public and private sectors as major employers of women in healthcare.  The discussion will further explore the role of women in health emergencies in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. We will highlight the role all stakeholders must play in closing the gender pay gap and achieving 50% women in global health leadership, and the importance of civil society advocacy for gender equality in obtaining Universal Health Coverage and reaching the SDGs.

This session will cover many of the issues raised by the World Health Organization and Women in Global Health 2019 report, 'Global Health: Delivered by Women, Led by Men. A Gender and Equity Analysis of the Global Health Workforce’, focusing particularly on the key conclusion of the report, which is that gender inequality in the health and social workforce weakens health systems and health delivery. As such, the triple gender dividend will improve the health and lives of people globally. The health and social care worker shortage is global and addressing gender inequality in the health workforce is relevant to everybody worldwide. There will be a specific focus on the best practice policies to accelerate gender equality so that the health workforce can make a major contribution to better health for all. 



Prof. Andrea S. Winkler - Deputy Director, Centre for Global Health, University of Oslo 


Dr. Roopa Dhatt - Co-founder & Executive Director, WGH


Webinar format

All participants must register (below) for the webinar in order to receive the Zoom link. Please note that this webinar will be recorded and distributed to those who registered but were unable to join. 


The audience is invited to submit questions before and also during the event using the Q&A function in Zoom. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please use the button below and do not forget to register for the event (button above).

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Published May 8, 2020 10:27 AM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2022 10:21 AM