Gender Equality in Academia – Links to Sustainable Medical Research & Education

Join this online session part of the fourth national SDG Conference Bergen: The SDGs after the Crisis on Day Zero - February 10 at 11:00 CET.

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Day Zero - 2021 SDG Conference Bergen: The SDGs after the Crisis, University of Bergen & Canva

The three keynote presentations from this online session have been recorded and can be viewed here:

Academic careers in medicine remain a global challenge for women. The majority of master and PhD students in medicine are women, however women hold a minority of senior and leading faculty positions in this field. Two recent reports from the national knowledge center for gender perspectives and balance in research, documented vast knowledge gaps on women’s health and limited teaching of women’s health in Norwegian Universities.

This session will focus on how promoting women into tenured positions at universities may lead to a larger focus on women's health in education and research, and how international and multidisciplinary collaboration is a tool in this regard. This session will include three keynote introductions focusing on SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals followed by a round table panel discussion and an open Q&A with the audience.

This session will be a virtual session part of the three day 2021 SDG Conference Bergen and registration is required.

Program: Gender Equality in Academia – Links to Sustainable Medical Research & Education

| 11:00 | Welcome

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Siri Vangen - Professor II in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oslo | Leader, Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health

Session Moderator

Keynote Introductions

| 11:05 | Gender Diversity in Leading Health Universities

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Salome Maswime - Associate Professor & Head of Global Surgery, Cape Town University | Women in Global Health South Africa


| 11:15 | Sex Differences in Disease – Does it matter?

Image may contain: Eyewear, Vision care, Glasses, Lip, Cheek.


Eva Gerdts - Professor of Cardiology, University of Bergen | Director, Center for Research on Cardiac Disease in Women


| 11:25 | Sex and Women’s Health in Education of Health Professionals


Elisabeth T. Swärd - Senior Adviser, Research and Women`s Health, Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association


| 11:35 | Round table panel discussion + Q&A from the Audience

| 12:20-12:30 | Closing Remarks

Session Organizers

Image may contain: Text, Red, Line, Font, Carmine.

About the Annual National SDG Conference Bergen

The annual national SDG Conference Bergen was initiated by the University of Bergen and the annual event is planned in dialogue with the other Norwegian universities, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Local Government and Administration.

While the world has united behind the 2030 Agenda, rising global inequalities have long threatened to derail the progress made so far. Adding to this, the outbreak of COVID-19 has had devastating impacts across the world. In the Global South, it may very likely hamper development severely, exacerbating inequalities both within and between countries and continents. Recognizing this global fundamental challenge, the 2021 SDG Conference Bergen will focus on tackling global inequalities, relevant for all of the goals, to achieve a new path for sustainable development, after the crisis.

Full 2021 SDG Conference Bergen Program

Published Jan. 19, 2021 10:12 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2022 4:23 PM