Women Leadership in Global Health Research with Andrea S. Winkler

Women in Global Health (WGH) Norway welcomes you to the third Inspiration Series webinar with Andrea S. Winkler!

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This webinar has been recorded and can be viewed here:

WGH Norway acknowledges the urgency of acting towards gender equity in global health leadership positions. Women make up approximately 75% of the health workforce and yet their representation at higher levels of global health leadership is limited. Our next speaker, Andrea S. Winkler will focus on her experience within global health research using her personal experiences and lessons learned. 

While reflecting on her personal journey, she will also discuss women leadership in regard to the benefits and barriers that still exist today specifically within the research field. Finally, Andrea will share advice for students and young professionals and here we encourage the audience to interact with our guest speaker.

Image may contain: Smile, Shoulder, Sleeve, Thigh, Happy.Andrea S. Winkler is the co-founder and currently a special counselor for Women in Global Health Norway. She is a specialist neurologist, a senior researcher and the co(joint)-director of the Center for Global Health at the Technical University of Munich. She is also a founding director of the Centre for Global Health at the University of Oslo, where she holds a professorship in Global One Health. Prof. Winkler has over 30 years of experience with both clinical work and research in countries of sub-Saharan Africa and has authored over 200 scientific publications. Her special interest lies with poverty-related neglected diseases of the infectious as well as non-infectious nature with an emphasis on One Health, global neurology/mental health and global digital health. She had/has leading roles in various large-scale multi-/interdisciplinary health consortia in sub-Saharan Africa funded by the German Research Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Norwegian Research Council and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, among others. Prof. Winkler also co-chairs The Lancet One Health Commission (together with Dr. John Amuasi, KCCR, Ghana) with offices in Germany, Ghana and Norway.

About the Inspiration Series

Each event part of the series will highlight successful individuals working in different areas of the global health sector and will offer students and young professionals guidance and inspiration. The aim is to have a virtual discussion where participants will be able to become acquainted with different career pathways in global health by listening and actively interacting with speakers. This series is open to all!

Previous webinars (recordings and short summaries available):


WGH Norway
Published Sep. 20, 2022 4:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2023 5:04 PM