Member Engagement Meeting

As a member, are you wondering how to get more involved with WGH Norway? Well, here it is! 

Image may contain: Sharing, Gesture, Font, Leisure, People in nature.

Photo: ShutterStock


The Secretariat will host a meeting to introduce a new opportunity for engagement via the Standing Committees. In addition, Advisory Group Member, Ingvill Constanze Mochmann will introduce the newly established task force, Vulnerable Children - consequences for gender equality. This meeting will take place on June 8th at 11:30 CET via Zoom. Complete the registration below to receive an outlook invite/meeting link.

Meeting Sign-up

Standing Committees 

This new structure has been created for capacity and skills development for members based on the experience gained from the pioneer group (COVID 50/50 Task force). The Standing Committees will work with ad-hoc task forces led by Advisory Group Members on emerging global and national trends that is of a particular interest to WGH Norway and its members. All WGH Norway members are welcome to join one or more of the Standing Committees.

Join a standing Committee

1. Networking

To provide value by organizing in-person networking activities and to encourage collaborations such as mentoring and other productive relations. 

2. Advocacy 

To provide advocacy for needed areas of change through interviews, short stories and articles that can be published and shared nationally. 
3. Leadership 

To provide support for the development of capacity strengthening through workshops, based on the needs stated by members (e.g. leadership, negotiation, grant writing, etc).

Published May 31, 2022 11:11 AM - Last modified Mar. 29, 2023 11:35 AM