Sustainable Academic Career for Women

Join this online session part of the sixth national SDG Conference Bergen on Day Zero - February 8 at 13:30 CET.

Image may contain: People in nature, Sharing, Gesture, Happy, Line.

Welcome to the "Sustainable Academic Career for Women" digital session on Day Zero - a free, all-digital day of events happening the day before the SDG Conference Bergen. This specific session aims to bring together all, but especially young academic staff, career professionals, health politicians and students in health professions dreaming of an academic career. Academic careers remain a challenge for women in science, medicine and global health including in Norway. For example, the majority of master and PhD students are females, yet women still hold a minority of senior and leading faculty positions in these fields.

Many women struggle with combining academic career building with private life demands. This gender imbalance influences research priorities and content of teaching programs at academic institutions, but also societal development and sustainability. Join us as this session focuses on academic career building for women at large, including a special focus on integration of immigrant women and work life balance for women seeking an academic career.


Three keynote introductions will be given followed by a round table discussion and an open Q&A from the audience. To register, participants must use the button above to register for the SDG Bergen Conference. Save this session's date and time to be sure you remember to join digitally using the conference online portal (instructions will be emailed to you upon registration).


Time Title Speaker
13:30 Welcome

Session moderators:

Image may contain: Glasses, Smile, Vision care, Eyewear, Gesture.Eva Gerdts | Professor, Dept. of Clinical Science & Center Chair, Center for Research on Heart Disease in Women, University of Bergen (UiB)

Ingeborg K. Haavardsson | President, WGH Norway & Administrative Director, Sustainable Health Unit (SUSTAINIT), University of Oslo (UiO)

13:35 Academic Career Building for Women Image may contain: Glasses, Forehead, Hair, Smile, Cheek.Jeanette H. Magnus | Director, Centre for Global Health, UiO
13:45 Integration of Migrant Women in Academic Career Image may contain: Scarf, Hair, Face, Eyebrow, Forehead.Bernadette Kumar | Special advisor, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
13:55 Work Life Balance in Academia  Helga Midtbø | Researcher, Dept. of Clinical Science, UiB
14:05 Panel discussion and open Q&A with the audience
14:55 Closing remarks

About the Annual National SDG Conference Bergen

The annual SDG Conference Bergen brings together research and higher education communities, politicians, government officials, NGOs and industry to discuss the university sector's engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals. The objective of the conference is to explore the role of research and education in creating new approaches to a sustainable global future.

The theme of the SDG Conference Bergen 2023 is A just transformation to a sustainable future. Focusing on a sustainable transformation of societies to become safe and just for all of humanity entails thinking about the grand challenges of our time both here and now and for the future. How can we ensure that this transformation is a just transition leaving no one behind?

The sixth conference takes place 8-10 February 2023. The conference is digital and open for all. Registration is now open

Published Jan. 19, 2023 3:14 PM - Last modified June 22, 2023 2:06 PM