Women in Global Health Norway Annual Conference 2020 - Day 2

Women in Global Health (WGH) Norway is pleased to announce the first Annual Conference happening this Fall. Join this two-day virtual event focusing on WGH in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Day 2 of the Annual Conference can be viewed here:

WGH Norway’s two-day virtual annual conference will take place on October 21st (Day 1) and 23rd (Day 2), 2020. The Day 1 event page can be found here. The conference will focus on the ​WGH's Five Asks for Gender-Responsive Global Health Security from the #COVID5050 WGH International campaign, particularly targeting Asks 1 & 2:

  1. Include women in global health security decision making structures and public discourse

  2. Provide health workers, most of whom are women, with safe and decent working conditions



14:00 – 15:15 
Session 3 – Safety and security of healthcare workers during the COVID19 pandemic and other epidemics. Keynote speakers and Q&A from the audience
The majority of healthcare workers are women, and they are clustered into lower status & lower paid jobs in the global health workforce. We will explore the safety and security concerns facing front line healthcare workers during this and other epidemics. How can we improve in this and in future public health emergencies? What lessons have we learnt so far and how can we use these lessons to enact meaningful change? 
Moderator: Anna Stavdal - President Elect, WONCA World

  • Roopa Dhatt - Executive Director, Women in Global Health (WGH) 
  • Amanda McClelland - Senior Vice President, Prevent Epidemics - Resolve to Save Lives, an Initiative of Vital Strategies.
  • Kristin Bergtora Sandvik - Professor, Department of Criminology & Sociology of Law, University of Oslo (UiO) 


Session 4 – Broken rungs and glass ceilings – challenges for women in global health careers. Panel discussion with Q&A from the audience
Our panelists discuss challenges facing women at different stages of their Global Health careers, as well as strategies to breaking barriers at earlier or later stages of career development.
Moderator: Eva Turk - Senior Researcher, University of Oslo (UiO) & Associate Professor, University South-Eastern Norway

  • Akudo Anyanwu - Vice President of Development, Texas Biomedical Research Institute
  • Noor Khan - Senior Advisor, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)  
  • Jennifer Gilberston - Coordinator for Humanitarian Innovation, Norwegian Red Cross

16:25 – 16:30

Closing remarks  Ingeborg K. Havaardsson - Women in Global Health Norway & Roopa Dhatt - Executive Director, Women in Global Health (WGH)


We are bringing together an array of national and international speakers working in diverse settings who will bring in deep expertise on global health security; the risks faced by women working in the frontlines of the pandemic and how to alleviate these; and bring to light the value of unpaid work conducted by women in the pandemic. 

In addition to this, we want to provide a forum for young global health professionals to understand career opportunities and challenges. We are bringing together women leaders in global health to share their experiences of their career paths in different sectors, including the experiences of women of color in global health and how they dealt with various challenges. 

The event will also include the opportunity to interact with various speakers and share experiences and questions in virtual break-out sessions.

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Published July 7, 2020 8:45 PM - Last modified June 22, 2023 12:05 PM