Award for excellence in the Bachelor and Master education

Professor Johanne Sundby has been honored with the Faculty of Medicine’s prize for excellence in the Bachelor and Master education for her very important contribution in offering high quality education to the students at the Master of International Community Health. 

Johanne Sundby commenting on the conference "Polio eradication: Balancing resilience and legacy". Photo: Julie Lunde Lillesæter/Differ Media

The Committee’s evaluation is based on

  • Professor Sundby’s role in the development of the course at the Master of International Community Health.
  • Professor Sundby’s contribution in the creation of an international and multicultural learning culture, hence securing that international students have succeeded well and have a high level of completion.
  • Professor Sundby has been instrumental in building a community based study culture, securing the integration of the many students from a variety of cultural backgrounds. She has an engaging and wise manner in her teaching of controversial themes, where an understanding and respect of different traditions is kept. Simultaneously, the students are challenged on their own and others cultural way of thinking and practicing.

Fakultetets priser: Pris for kvalitet i bachelor- og mastergradsutdanningene

Published Oct. 14, 2016 3:32 PM - Last modified May 10, 2021 1:24 PM