New Research School in Global Health

- The aim of the Research School is to increase network activity between Ph.D.-candidates, thereby lowering the threshold to visit each other and cooperate, says Chairman Thorkild Tylleskär. –We believe that through this we will be able to facilitate for better research.

Front row from left: Professor Elisabeth Darj (project manager, NTNU) and Professor Thorkild Tylleskär (Chair, UiB). Second row from left: Professor Johanne Sundby (UiO) and Advisor Elin Yli Dvergsdal (administrative coordinator, NTNU). Third row from left: Advisor Line Løw (UiO) and Dr Jagrati Jani-Bølstad (FHI-vara). Fourth row from left: Higher Executive Officer Jorunn Hvalby (UiB), PhD-student  Evgeniya Sovershaeva (UiT) and Advisor Turid Austin Wæhler (UiT). In the back: Professor Jan Rosenvinge (UiT) and PhD-student Janne Lillelid Gjerde (UiB).  

Professional network

The research school will serve as a support system for the candidates, where they will have the opportunity to attend courses and meetings they would not otherwise have been able too. Tylleskär thinks that a small country like Norway has much to gain from this: - Although some of the larger institutions have a research environment, many do not. Through relevant courses and travel grants candidates with less funds will have the opportunity to participate in a professional network.

A growing field

NTNU’s Faculty of Medicine is the host faculty. - This is a conscious choice, according to Tylleskär. - Although the research fields are larger in Oslo and Bergen, we wanted to highlight the growing field at NTNU. A writing course will be offered this fall, and in the beginning of 2017, all members have the opportunity to participate at the school's first gathering at Stiklestad.

- Asserting ourselves internationally

The Research School has been made possible through the Research Council’s GLOBVAC, a support scheme that has been important for Norwegian researchers within Global Health and Vaccination. - It contributes to lift Norway in the field, and allows us to assert ourselves internationally, says Tylleskär.

Read more at the Research School website.

Published Nov. 22, 2016 10:09 AM - Last modified May 10, 2021 1:24 PM