Women, Health, Peace and Prosperity - Connecting Beyond Borders & Boundaries

As a part of the Oslo Peace Week 2018, the Centre for Global Health co-hosted a dinner seminar on Tuesday 11 December, reflecting on Women, Health, Peace and Prosperity.

(Photo: Ingeborg K Haavardsson/UiO)

The dinner, celebrating the Nobel Peace Prize 2018, was hosted with Anne Lene Hompland, Founder & Ex. Chair, World Peace Expo & Oslo Peace Week, Kristin Engvig, Founder & CEO, Women’s International Networking (WIN) & WINConference and Philomena Blees, President and CEO of Peace Through Commerce

Mawahib Shaibani, International Association of Human Values (IAHV) in Iraq, shared insights from working on rescue missions and support work for thousands of girls and women escaping ISIS. She went from being the only female banker in Iraq, to working with trauma relief in Iraq.

I went from taking care of peoples money to taking care of peoples lives - Mawahib Shaibani

A panel chaired by Kristin Engvig, with Andrea S. WinklerCentre for Global Health at the University of Oslo , Philomena Blees and Michelle Waters (Chief Strategy Officer at Peace Through Commerce) and Linh Quach, Co-Founder of Meraki Approach discussed female involvement in peacebuilding and health initiatives.

The panel shared their personal stories on overcoming barriers as women in new arenas and the importance of female values, mental health and care in leadership and peacebuilding.

The Centre for Global Health and Women in Global Health Norway was represented by Andrea S. Winkler, Cynthia Khamala Wangamati and Nicoline Lokdam.

Tags: Oslo Peace Week, Global Health, Women in Global Health By Nicoline Lokdam
Published Dec. 14, 2018 12:40 PM - Last modified Dec. 28, 2021 4:07 PM