Norwegian Research Council is Funding the Network for One Health Resistome Surveillance (NORSE)

Congratulations to the NORSE team for obtaining funding for the creation of a multidisciplinary network of scientists leveraging their efforts to develop a National One Health Resistome Surveillance System in order to monitor the development and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in the environment, the food chain, in animals and humans.

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest global health challenges of our time. In 2015, the World Health Organisation (WHO) adopted a global action plan to address AMR, highlighting the need for an effective One Health (OH) approach. In the European Commission’s One Health Action Plan against AMR from 2016, the development and spread of AMR in the environment and the need for improved AMR surveillance were highlighted as key areas for research and development.

Core objectives of NORSE:

  • To map the needs and requirements for a resistome surveillance system;
  • to promote research and develop of knowledge on the resistome, transmission of AMR, resistome data collection tools and clinical applications of resistome data;
  • to promote dissemination of knowledge on AMR in a One Health perspective nationally and globally.


The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) is an advisory agency under the Ministry of Health and Care Services. NIPH is responsible for monitoring infectious diseases in humans and manages MSIS. NIPH is also a contributing partner to the NORM. In 2017, NIPH established an AMR Centre to support implementation of the National Strategy against AMR. NIPH represents Norway as a contributing county in the action packages for AMR and Real-time Surveillance in the Global Health Security Agenda.

The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) is Norway’s key veterinary scientific diagnostic institution and an advisory agency of the authorities for the control of disease in animals and fish, as well as food safety issues. NVI is the designated National Reference Laboratory for AMR and coordinates NORM-VET

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO) contributes to food security and safety, sustainable resource management, environmental research innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production within food, forestry and other biobased industries.


University of OsloThe Centre for Global Health (UiO-CGH) represents a multidisciplinary platform for global health networking, research and education, and has recently established an OH and AMR hub. CGH has been entrusted with the ongoing Lancet OH commission

University of Oslo – The Institute of Oral Biology (UiO-IOB) contributes to research and education in the interdisciplinary strategic area of Life Science, focusing on convergence environments from all scientific disciplines to address every aspect of life, including a large portfolio of AMR projects. 

University of Oslo – Department of Informatics (UiO-IFI) runs HISP (Health Information Systems Programme), one of the largest research- and development programmes in health information systems globally. One of the key products of HISP is the DHIS2 (District Health Information System) free and open source platform which has been adopted in more than 80 countries, and funded through a consortium of international partners.

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) contributes to research and study programmes on the environment, sustainable development, and how to improve human and animal health. NMBU has a strong AMR-research portfolio, focused on OH and AMR in animal reservoirs, food production chains and the environment. 

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) - The Institute of Biotechnology has a strategic OH aim which states “biotechnology methods will be used to solve local and global issues in food production, health and the environment”. The main AMR focus is on development of a rapid diagnostics. 

University of Tromsø (UiT) has built up strong complementary research groups within OH and AMR. The newly established Center for New Antibacterial Strategies (CANS) represents enhancement of quality and external competitiveness within AMR research, which is firmly grounded in UiTs strategic objectives.


Oslo University Hospital (OUH) - The Department of Microbiology is the largest microbiological unit in Norway. The research activities include basic research in microbiology and molecular biology, especially focused on DNA-repair, genomics and horizontal gene transfer, but also translational research within the field of infectious diseases. The Department hosts the RCN-supported TTA network (Turning the Tide of Antimicrobial resistance) led by Prof. Fredrik Müller.

The Inland Hospital Trust Department (SIHF) of Medical Microbiology provides diagnostic services to five hospitals and the general practitioners throughout the Hedmark and Oppland counties. SIHF in collaboration with INN is involved in an ongoing project on rapid diagnosis of AMR.


Nofima is one of the largest European applied research institutes servicing the food industry. Nofimas competency in AMR and OH includes identification of microbial risks and risks factors in the food chain and strategies to control these. Nofima has a long history of research on biocide and antibiotic cross/co- resistance.


NCE Heidner Biocluster represents a total of 50 members within bio-economy and was in 2018 awarded the status of Norwegian Centre of Expertise by Innovation Norway and RCN. The objective of the centre is to improve sustainability in food production through innovative products, services and expertise as well as global dissemination of results. 

Published Sep. 11, 2019 4:48 PM - Last modified May 8, 2023 9:23 AM