The Centre for Global Health is launched

On October 7th the newly established cross-disciplinary Centre for Global Health of the Faculty of Medicine was officially launched with a seminar on research of quality parameters. Norway and the world put in a great amount of effort to cope with the global health challenges we are facing today and it makes this initiative especially important.

President of the University of Oslo, Ole Petter Ottersen underlined that the University has both the resources and the competency necessary to carry out high quality research in the field of global Health. Photo: Anbjørg Kolaas

The title of the seminar was “Quality in global health research: methodological and empirical approaches”. Emphasis was placed on the meaning of the word and how different scientific disciplines can agree on a joint definition of quality as it is one of the basic pillars of basic research and clinical work as well. We have, however seen that quality may not necessarily be so much in focus when research and competence building is carried out in the global South.

The topic was shed light on from different perspectives and from different scientific disciplines, from a theoretical and empirical point of view. The programme is to be found on this webpage.

President of the University of Oslo, Ole Petter Ottersen opened the seminar and underlined that the University has both the resources and the competency necessary to carry out high quality research in the field of global health. Thanks to the Lancet – University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health the University of Oslo showed its engagement and dedication to put health on the broader political agenda.

The Centre for Global Health would like to thank all participants on the seminar for their interest and generosity in sharing their experiences with us. We are looking forward to facilitate a broad and cross-disciplinary collaboration between all involved research communities and hereby promote cooperation on global health issues within the University of Oslo but also nationwide.

By Julia Ferkis
Published Oct. 10, 2014 8:59 AM - Last modified May 10, 2021 1:31 PM