Co-creation as an approach to develop context adapted clinical practice guidelines

Speaker: Andrea Solnes Miltenburg.

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A collaborative approach to assessing, developing and implementing health interventions is increasingly acknowledged as essential to bridging the current implementation gap. Therefore, as a starting point for the PRESHA project efforts will go to ensuring a ‘co-creation’ team is established. The co-creation team will actively take part in all phases of the research including data collection, analysis and intervention design and evaluation. Through a cyclical approach previous steps can be revisited if testing of the designed intervention leads to more knowledge gaps and need for further exploration. The cycle integrates lessons learned from the classical criterion-based audit cycle, participatory action research’s action-reflection learning cycle and experience-based co-design. In particular for WP 3 the co-creation approach will be relevant.

WP 3 Clinical Practice Guidelines (pre-implementation)

Specific objectives (related to main objective 2) - To assess the quality of care for women at risk of developing HDP/PE across the continuum of care. - To explore lived experiences of women developing HDP/PE including long term effects on functionality, social and mental well-being as well as effects on newborn health up to 6m post-partum. Description of activities: Task 3.1 a) Develop an initial set of criteria for standards of care through review of existing guidelines and expert consultation, b) Perform a qualitative study through (participant) observations in health facilities and in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders. (Co-creation step 2) Task 3.2 Conduct a qualitative study to gain knowledge about lived experiences of women and their families that developed PE through interviews and focus group discussions. (Co-creation step 2) Task 3.3 Perform audit of the care women in the previously established cohort (WP2) received that developed PE to assess adherence to these standards. (Co-creation step 3) Task 3.4 Develop a first draft of context-tailored guidelines agreed upon by health staff of all the implementation sites, endorsed by international panel of specialists and active experimentation through workshops, focus group discussions and pilots. (Co-creation step 3 and 4) Deliverables: Deliverable 3.1 a) review of guidelines performed and expert involvement included to generate agreed set of guidelines. b) 25 in depth interviews held with providers (clinicians, midwives, nurses responsible for or involved in the care of women with HDP/PE and have worked in the department of obstetrics for at least three months), health administrators, policy makers, review of patient records and direct observations of care performed at 50 ANC consultations by trained data collectors. Deliverable 3.2 a) Participant observations in all health facilities completed, b) In-depth interviews held with 20 women who have had hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and their partners, relatives or other companions involved in decisions around their care. Deliverable 3.3 28 In-depth interviews and 4 Focus group discussions with women who survived HDP/PE within the last three years at the participating facilities conducted and analyzed Deliverable 3.4 a) development of first draft of guidelines, b) 6 Focus Group discussions with health staff at the 3 implementing sites conducted and analyzed, c) completed Delphi round.

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This seminar is a part of the Medical Anthropology and Medical History Seminar Series (MAH). Sign up to our mailing list at to receive regular invitations.

Published Apr. 12, 2023 10:27 AM - Last modified Apr. 12, 2023 10:27 AM