Antibiotic use in context: antibiotics practices and structures, past and present

About the group

Antimicrobial resistance is one of the major challenges of our times, and a threat to human and animal health as well as to the environment. Nevertheless, antibiotic use is increasing at a global scale, and organizations like the WHO is working to reduce antibiotic consumption through changed prescription patterns and stewardship programs. However, antibiotic use is to a large extent determined by more structural factors, historical as well as contemporary. In this research group, we apply theories and methods from the social sciences and the humanities to understand how antibiotics came into being, were developed, became globalized and how they circulate and are regulated, in national and international contexts.


Tags: One Health, Medical History, Medical Anthropology, Social Medicine, Antimicrobial Resistance
Published Jan. 31, 2023 1:15 PM - Last modified May 8, 2023 5:17 PM


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