Clinical Effectiveness awarded Toppforsk 2016 Grant

Professor Michael Bretthauer is awarded FRIPRO Toppforsk 2016. FRIPRO is a joint initiative between the research institutions and the Norwegian Research Council, with the purpose of supporting groups in the forefront of international research. 

Bretthauer and the Clinical Effectiveness Research Group are awarded funding related to the establishment and continuance of three large, national and international, randomized trials;

  • NORCCAP (Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Prevention)
  • NordICC (Nordic-European Initiative on Colorectal Cancer)
  • EPoS (European Polyp Surveillance) trials

The grant amount received by the research group is 25 million NOK, equally funded by FRIPRO Toppforsk at The Research Council of Norway and the University of Oslo.

– On behalf of the research group I am very happy to receive this grant, and I want to emphasize that this is based on a team effort, says Bretthauer.

– Co-applicants has been Mette Kalager and Hans-Olov Adami, and the group composition and its members are key factors in our goal to develop existing and new projects of national and international importance.

Research for the future

The purpose of FRIPRO Toppforsk is to give dynamic research groups the opportunity to develop and become among the internationally leading in their field. To achieve this, projects will be given a more favourable financial framework and a longer project period than ordinary researcher projects within FRIPRO.  Bretthauer believes the grant will lead to better predictability within the projects.

– These trials are ground-breaking in nature, size and aims. They all have the potential to change clinical practice for cancer prevention and surveillance.

– This grant will enable us to continue and finalize the large projects we have embarked on, and ensure future cutting-edge research, says Bretthauer.

By Anita Aalby
Published Jan. 28, 2016 2:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2021 9:28 AM