Hopes and hypes for AI in colorectal cancer screening

There is great interest in artificial intelligence (AI) in health care. A recent paper in Gastroenterology discusses important issues when introducing new technology in medicine.

brain-machine illustration of artificial intelligence

Illustration: Colourbox.com

There is great interest in artificial intelligence (AI) in health care. As with many innovations in medicine, there is a fine line between potential benefits and harms with AI. However, nobody knows if the clinical benefits outweigh harms such as overdiagnoses induced by the use of AI.

The paper "Hopes and hypes for artificial intelligence in colorectal cancer screening" recently published Gastroenterology, clarifies clinical challenges of AI in cancer screening programs and explores solutions that enable its optimal implementation. Authors are Yuichi Mori, Michael Bretthauer and Mette Kalager, all from the Clinical effectiveness research group, University of Oslo.

Tags: AI, screening, cancer, colorectal cancer By Anita Aalby
Published May 28, 2021 2:12 PM - Last modified May 28, 2021 2:12 PM