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Health Economics and Policy Group

Research in health economics and policy generally has close links to current issues in politics.

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About the group

This group had its beginnings twenty years ago when health economics research in Norway was in its infancy. Initially, the focus was on studying the effects of economic incentives on decisions in medical care. The research agenda has since been expanded to other areas, including analyses of resource allocation, priority setting, and demand for health and care services, as well as efficiency analysis.

Research in health economics and policy generally has close links to current issues in politics. Much attention has been devoted during recent years to health care sector funding, including the reimbursement system for hospitals, the payment system for primary physicians, and the financing of long-term care. There is increasing interest in the economics of prevention, equity in health and health care utilisation, and international comparative research related to the outcome and cost of health care.

Published Feb. 23, 2011 2:49 PM - Last modified May 16, 2024 9:30 AM


Detailed list of participants