Norwegian version of this page

International Community Health

The main research areas are within infectious disease (including vaccinology), (rights-based) sexual reproductive health, and nutritional transition and non-communicable diseases.

About the group

  • Tuberculosis has been one of the main research topics within the research on infectious diseases.
  • Through shared staff appointments with The SUM-LEVE program we are participating in studies on factors involved in differential immunization coverage.
  • Work in the area of sexual reproductive health and rights has centred on topics directly related to MDGs 4, 5, and 6 i.e. maternal mortality and maternal morbidity, neonatal mortality, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, infertility, abortion, female genital cutting, and adolescent sexual health.
  • Together with Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), one of our staff is involved in assessing and supporting the Norway-India Partnership Initiative (the Norwegian supported efforts for MDG 4 & 5 in India).
  • In the field of Type 2 diabetes, our group conducted several community-based surveys and comparative studies between people on the Indian sub-continent and corresponding populations living in Europe.  We were the first to describe ‘lean diabetes’, a condition previously not described.


Academic programmes and courses

Tags: India, Global South
Published Feb. 23, 2011 12:50 PM - Last modified Aug. 4, 2022 12:44 PM


Johanne Sundby

Visting adress:
Frederik Holsts hus
Kirkeveien 166
N-0317 Oslo

Postal address:
P.Box 1130 Blindern
N-0318 Oslo

Phone +47 22850526
Switchboards: +47 22850550
Fax: +47 22850672



Detailed list of participants