

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset, Kverneland

The world’s migrant population is increasing. Numerous factors combine to shape the mobility of people and populations within and across borders in our time, including armed conflict, violence and political repression, as well as global economic policies that deepen inequality and produce poverty. People on the move meet many forms of borders, including borders that regulate access to nation states, rights, services, work and health care. In this seminar we explore the many ways that borders constitute in migratory processes today.

Time and place: , Aud 2, Dragefjellet skole, UiB

Store gap mellom forskningsresultater, praksis og pasientbehov kan medføre mangel på likeverdige helsetjenester og dårlige helse for noen innvandrergrupper.


Time and place: , Kulturhuset

Oslo legeforening og 7 andre organisasjoner arrangerer 8. April debatt om irregulære og papirløse migranter. Disse har gjennomgående dårligere helse enn andre grupper i befolkningen. Allikevel har de langt dårligere tilgang på helsehjelp.