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Social Medicine

The group aims to counteract social inequality in health through practice-oriented research and service development in cooperation with users, service providers and civil society organizations.

Contructors working outside

Illustration: Colourbox

About the group

The group takes research in community and public health to be a socially, politically and ethically binding practice. It is located in a research environment with long experience in multidisciplinary action research on social inequality, both in Norway and low income countries. We are working to expand and further develop this expertise in a tripartite collaboration with users and nonprofit and public service providers. This also includes systematization and further development of methods and models for collaborative research and user involvement.

Research focus: Migration and health

Group of Engaged Community Medicine is involved in research on health and transnational migration combining approaches from social medicine, public health and the social sciences.

Numerous factors combined shape the mobility of people and populations within and across borders in our time, including armed conflict, violence and political repression, but also changing transnational migration policies and a globalizing international order that deepens inequality and exacerbates deteriorating socioeconomic situations. Within this increasingly pivotal topic of national and international political importance health, in its broadest sense, is centrally implicated; as a driver as well as outcome of migration for individuals and populations, and as a key societal and political challenge for public health and the organization of health care on a community, national and international level.

Published Jan. 26, 2018 11:36 AM - Last modified June 7, 2024 12:07 PM


Detailed list of participants