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Previous events - Page 3

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2

The conference seeks to bring together researchers to focus on the interaction of medical, legal and lay understandings of phenomena that are highly topical and political, namely rape and abortion.

Time and place: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

An ethnography of young women’s reproductive futures anchored on the COVID-19 vaccination infertility rumors in Khwisero, Western Kenya. Guest Speaker: Mariam Yusuf, University of Nairobi

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups Hus, Stort møterom

Skal vi ta bærekraft på alvor må vi finne nye måter å oversette mellom natur- og kulturvitenskaper, og vi må lage nye fortellinger hvor menneskelige og naturlige aktører samhandler.

Time and place: , Grønt auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20 Lars Hestmark at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Implementation of guidelines on family involvement for persons with psychotic disorders – A cluster randomised trial with mixed methods evaluation” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Auditorium 13, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9

M.Sc. Vivian Nystrøm at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “An Issue of Trust: Exploring Different Aspects of the Municipal Acute Ward as an Alternative to Hospitalization” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , zoom

Welcome to a SHEtalk about climate change and mental health.

Time and place: , Grønt auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20 Lars Hestmark at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “Pros and cons of applying the evidence-based medicine paradigm in the implementation of complex interventions in mental health care”

Time and place: , Auditorium 13, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9

M.Sc. Vivian Nystrøm at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture in Norwegian on the given topic: “Tillit som begrep og konsept i helsetjenesteforskning”

Time and place: , zoom

How can knowledge from civil society inform health policy, and how can this knowledge influence inclusiveness and accountability in policymaking about health systems strengthening?

Time and place: , European Parliament/Webstream

Join us for the workshop on Research Integrity in Open Science for Europe, organized by the European Parliament's STOA Panel for the Future of Science and Technology.

Time and place: , Store auditorium, Domus Odontologica, Sognsvannsveien 10 Ina Borgenheim Pedersen at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Quality in colonoscopic polypectomy” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Store auditorium, Domus Odontologica, Sognsvannsveien 10 Ina Borgenheim Pedersen at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “Preventive social and life-style measures in the fight against colorectal cancer”

Time and place: , Meet Ullevaal

The leading conference for life sciences gather the actors who will develop a world-leading health industry in Norway.

Time and place: , Store auditorium, midtblokken, bygning 6, Ullevål sykehus, Kirkeveien 166

M.Sc. Mestawet Getachew Enbakom at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Pain after surgery for knee replacement in Norway and for traumatic injury in Ethiopia: Observational cohort studies” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Store auditorium, midtblokken, bygning 6, Ullevål sykehus, Kirkeveien 166

M.Sc. Mestawet Getachew Enbakom at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “Cultural perspectives in pain – experiences, expressions, and management”

Time and place: , zoom

Few studies have addressed the Covid-19 infodemic in academic discourse.

Time and place: , Forskningsparken i Oslo, Forum auditorium

Vi ønsker bedrifter samt studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet og Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet velkommen til matchmakingsarrangement. I etterkant av arrangementet kan studentene søke sommerjobb i bedriftene.

Time and place: , Store auditorium, midtblokken, bygning 6, Ullevål sykehus, Kirkeveien 166

MSc. Berhane Megerssa Ereso at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Challenges of Tuberculosis Control Program Performance in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Store auditorium, midtblokken, bygning 6, Ullevål sykehus, Kirkeveien 166

MSc. Berhane Megerssa Ereso at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “Local solutions for Gender sensitive TB programming in Ethiopia”

Time and place: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Speaker: Anne Kveim Lie, institute of Health and Society, UiO

Time and place: , Runde auditorium, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9 Ingrid Marie Taxt Horne at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Understanding peer support for doctors” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Blått auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20

MSc., Mphil. Mathyn Adrianus Marinus Vervaart at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Value of information methods for dealing with immature survival data in the economic evaluation of health technologies” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Runde auditorium, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9 Ingrid Marie Taxt Horne at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “How can sustainable healthy work conditions for doctors be promoted? - individual and institutional aspects”

Time and place: , Blått auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20

MSc., Mphil. Mathyn Adrianus Marinus Vervaart at Institute of Health and Society will give a trial lecture on the given topic: “Implementation of new health care technologies: Past, present and future”

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, Domus Academica, Karl Johans gate 47

MD Marthe-Lise Næss-Andresen at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Iron status and pregnancy. Gestational and postpartum iron deficiency and anaemia, and associations with ethnicity and clinical factors. A multi-ethnic population-based cohort study” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).