Programme Cultural Crossings of Care

Place: Georg Sverdrups hus (University Library)

Conference site: Cultural Crossings of Care

Friday 26. October


Registration and refreshments


Opening (Pro-Rector Gro Bjørnerud Mo)

Welcome (Prof. Eivind Engebretsen & John Ødemark

10.30 – 11.45

Keynote lecture: Clinical Cases and Anecdotes: Revaluing Damaged Goods”

Prof. Brian Hurwitz (King’s College London)

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The clinical case operates in the different ontological zones of culture and nature, the human and non human. Initially formulated in Hippocratic observations of external bodily appearances within an overall teleology of recovery or death, in the Christian era this binary came to be visualised as a contiguity of fleshly splendour and bodily decay. In the modern era, disease definition and diagnosis became the dominant themes worked out in medical cases, the sick person’s vicissitudes ‘merely variations on them.’[1]  As Julia Epstein argues, ‘western medical discourse postulate[d] that illness can be, at least momentarily (long enough […] to study, classify, and pass judgment on it), dissociable from the ill person’.[2] In seeking to reformulate phenomena of illness in disease categories, the case has come to mediate what is subjectively experienced in local and cultural terms as problems to be understood in terms of nature and science. Correlatively, in contemporary case reporting, two sorts of histories come into play: ‘a superficial, overt, story presented by the patient […] and a deep, covert, and “true” history revealed by […] the physician’.[3]

Despite its capacity to access worlds beyond the familiar within and outside of the body, and to assimilate the strange and offensive to its tasks, the high epistemic status previously enjoyed by the case as a heuristic tool in medical theory and practice has all but disappeared. Across the durée of the twentieth-century its influence diminished, sinking in the second half of the century to its lowest ebb when it became equated with, and collapsed into, the anecdote.  This paper examines the continuing­­­ epistemic dependence of medicine on cases and anecdotes,[4] understood as quasi-objects and subjects straddling subject/object, voice/body, inside/outside, familiar/alien and individual/social. [5] [6] Though the contemporary case gives more attention to one component of these bifurcational dyads than to the other, the cross zone hybridity of the case remains a vital counterbalance to the grandeur of generality to which biomedicine aspires.

[1]Lee T Pearcy, ‘Diagnosis as Narrative in Ancient Literature’, Am J Philology 1992 113(4) 595-616.

[2]Julia Epstein, ‘Historiography, Diagnosis and Poetics’, Literature & Medicine 1992; 11(1): pp. 23e44 at 33.

[3]Jonathan Gillis, ‘The History of the Patient History since 1850’, Bull Hist Med 2006; 80(3):490e512 at 512.

[4]Brian Hurwitz, ‘Narrative Constructs in Modern Clinical Case Reporting’ Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 2017; 62: 65-73

11.45 – 13.00

Lunch and concert

13.00 – 14.30

Parallel sessions 

Session 1 (Undervisningsrom 2)
Chair: Carolina Borges Rau

Eszter Ureczky: East of the Magic Mountain: The crisis of care in Hungarian clinical film dystopias 
Tobias Dietrich: Considering the Clinical Discourse as an Aesthetic One through the Light of Film 
Céline Lefève: Illness and care at the movies : a teaching experience of philosophy of care and medicine 

Session 2 (Auditorium 1)
Chair: Jo Winning

Alan Bleakley: The Medical Humanities: a therapeutic intervention for medicine’s inflation
Simon Kitto: Homo Academicus meets Homo Medicus: Medical Humanities as social capital within Medical Education
Wendy Lowe: Health professionals and the contingent body: social determinants in the curriculum

Session 3 (Undervisningsrom 3)
Chair: Marjolein Lotte De Boer

Sietse Wieringa: Rethinking bias and truth in evidence‐based health care
Sigurd Nøstberg Hovd: On the objectified lived body
Roxana E Doncu and Cristina-Veronica Andreescu: Facts, Fossils and Rhizomes: Scientific Objectivity and its Avatars

Session 4 (Grupperom 1)
Chair: Ida Lillehagen

Katarina Båth: Trauma as literature – literature as therapy 
Alfred Markey: Chick-Lit and Medical Humanities: Edward Said and Emma Hannigan
Mizuki Nakao: The Unity Between Nature And Body as “Medical Text”

Session 5 (Undervisningsrom 1)
Chair: Jan Grue

Sylvie Fainzang: Patient responses to medicinal risks. The objective foundations of subjective knowledge
Jane Macnaughton: Cultural pluralities in the clinic and the role of medical humanities
Dalena Ngo: Narrative Resistance in the Aftermath of HIV/AIDS

Session 6 (Undervisningsrom 4)
Chair: Inga Bostad

Jennifer Patterson: Measuring Truths: thinking with the uterus - Medical culture, magical thinking and migratory practices
Paula Gruman Martins: The abjection of “the woman” in the psychoanalytical theory
Melinda Dabis:  The silent illness: exploring the complex burden of endometriosis

Session 7 (Auditorium 2)
Chair: Angela Woods

Marit Haldar: Technology for vulnerable elderly people  “What’s the Problem represented to be?” approach
Elise Ricadat and Valérie Gateau: Action-research process: an innovative way to think the role of the medical humanities in medical research and practice
Anna Andreeva: Childbirth in medieval Japan: toward a transcultural history of women’s health in premodern East Asia

14.30 – 14.45


14.45 – 17.45

Parallel sessions

There will be a short break with snacks between 16.15-16.45

Session 8 (Auditorium 1)
Chair: Simon Kitto

Emmanuel Delille: Searching for the cultural factors of care and mental health: The history of the first international network in transcultural psychiatry (McGill University, 1955) 
Lily Chan: Transforming the subjective into objective: a critique of contemporary medical and psychiatry research 
Phil Loring: Cure and care materialized in a 19th-century surgical instrument collection 
Sophie Vasset: Was there such a thing as a “humanist physician”? Eighteenth--‐century perspectives on medical doctors and the humanities 
Willy Pedersen: Dark paradise: female opiate addiction before 1960  

Session 9 (Auditorium 2)
Chair: Alan Bleakley

Mathias Gillebo: Singing Reality. To Sing as Ethical Demand and Public Discourse. 
Cariad Astles: Other bodies: puppet theatre and the negotiation of illness 
Anita Salamonsen and Wenche Torrissen: “This has saved me and given me a new life”: Acting and recovery from psychosocial problems 
Agnese Sile: Through the mother’s voice: exposure, vulnerability and the gesture of care in Lesley McIntyre’s photo project The Time of Her Life and Elisabeth Zahnd Legnazzi’s Chiara A Journey Into Light 
Ayesha Wright: A Space in Which to Heal: The Legitimization of Medical Humanities through Philosophy and Architecture

Session 10 (Undervisningsrom 1)
Chair: Tony Sandset

Hafsa Ayaz: The body in medicine: object or subject?
Susannah M. Boyed, Franca Keicher, Ramόn Martínez and Zahra Khan: “That Makes Me Uncomfortable”: Disrupting the Health Humanities with a Pedagogy of Discomfort
Jan Grue: Staying with the Trouble: Epistemologies of Embodiment and Time
Kélina Gotman: Institutional Choreopolitics: Of Slower Ontologies | Of Temporal Heteronomy
François Villa and  Céline Lefève: Medical Humanities and Medicine: developing authentic research Collaborations

Session 11 (Undervisningsrom 2)
Chair: Anders J. W. Andersen

Kari Nyheim Solbrække and Birgitta Haga Gripsrud: Scientific supremacy as an obstacle to establishing and sustaining interdisciplinary dialogue across knowledge paradigms in health and medicine.
Kelly Pender: Being at Genetic Risk, a Praxiographic Inquiry
Pierre Johan Laffitte: Vagueness as the logics of praxis a semiotic look on relation between various epistemological approaches of clinics
Anne-Lise Middelthon: Corporeal signs and corporal trust
Bernard Pachoud: To what extent a values-based approach to medicine may integrate the cultural dimension?

Session 12 (Grupperom 1)
Chair: Hilde Bondevik

Renata Kokanovic and Meredith Stone: (E)stranged Relations: Coercion and care in narratives of supported decision-making in mental health care
Birgitte  Ahlsen and Anne Marit Mengshoel: The singular patient in patient centered care: Physiotherapists’ accounts of treatment of patients with chronic pain
Karen Synne Groven and Tone Dahl-Michelsen: Rethinking medical humanities - Recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome as an intra-active process involving human and non-human entities
Anne Marit Mengshoel: Recovery experiences of long-time users of physiotherapy
Bozhena Zoritch: Entangled story of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)  

Session 13 (Undervisningsrom 3)
Chair: Elisabeth Thorsen

Alice Cavanagh: Embodied Difference, Eating Disorders & the Cultural Production of Corporeality
Cora Fox: Resilience and Entanglement
Katja Herges: Rethinking Care and Materiality in Contemporary Life Writing by Immigrants in Germany

Session 14 (Undervisningsrom 4)
Chair: Marit Haldar

Chisomo Kalinga: Ulimbaso (You Will Be Strong Again): Addressing the Positive and Negative Connotations of ‘Strong Black Woman’ Trope in Malawian Health Narratives  
Sima Imsir Parker: Bodies of Exception: “Ideal” Citizenship, Bare Life and Illness
Einar Egenæs: Systemic frames and other spaces for human dialogues in S-BUP  
Astrid Jespersen and Jonas Winther: How to practice critical medical humanities?
Halvor Hanisch: Medical humanities, not-knowing, and encounters with people with severe disabilities. 

17.45 – 18.00 Break

18.00 – 20.15

Honorary lecture: “A tragedy and a dream: disability revisited”

Prof. Julia Kristeva (Univ. Paris Diderot)

Commentary: “Welcoming the Unexpected: Toward a Humanistic Understanding of Disability Conservation”​

Prof. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (Emory University)

20.15 – 22.00


Saturday 27. October

09.00 – 10.00

Keynote lecture: “Transcultural issues for children and parents in a changing world”

Prof. Marie Rose Moro (Univ. Paris Descartes)

10.00 – 10.15 Break
10.15 – 11.00

Keynote lecture: “Medical humanities - the best hope for global grand challenges?”

Prof. Trisha Greenhalgh (Oxford University)

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Abstract: It is widely assumed that solutions to global grand challenges such as reducing damage from climate change, meeting the healthcare needs of an ageing population and harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence will come from science and technology. This lecture will argue that whilst scientific insights and new technologies are important, addressing grand challenges are also about moral choices, political arguments, social movements, collective stories and cultural symbols. Indeed, in recent years scientific and technological progress has outstripped our ability to engage at a human level with the vast challenges facing the planet.  Accordingly, now more than ever is the time we should look to the humanities.  

11.00 – 12.00

Roundtable: Barriers to Inclusion

With Julia Kristeva, Marie Rose Moro, Trisha Greenhalgh and Brian Hurwitz (chaired by BMJ MedHum EIC Brandy Schillace)

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Dr. Brandy Schillace, EIC of BMJ's Medical Humanities journal, presents a closing roundtable on the topic of barriers to inclusion.

MH has expanded its mission to include underrepresented voices, particularly from the Global South. And yet, even as we invite these submissions, we are faced with the reality that our evaluative systems are predicated on Western models and privilege Western methods, ideas, and ideals. We are navigating these barriers to cross-cultural dialogue, and looking for solutions. But barriers are prevalent in all aspects of our work, from class, race, and gender to other issues of access, ableism, and social justice.

In this roundtable discussion, the keynote speakers will make up a panel to discuss barriers to inclusion from different perspectives. The panel discussion will be followed by small group discussion and an open roundtable between and among participants. We want cultural crossing of care--what are the problems and solutions of this ideal in practice?

12.00 – 12.45 Lunch
12.45 – 14.45

Parallel sessions

Session 15 (Undervisningsrom 1)
Chair: Kristin Heggen

Vanessa Bartlett, Chloe Watson, Bec Dean, Katherine Boydell, Lizzie Muller, Lynn Froggett and Jill Bennett: Cura/tor: transdisciplinary art-science research as a practice of curatorial care 
Stian Kristensen: “Let me in”: The Male Anus, HIV, and Prophylactic Technologies
Carolina Borges Rau: Ethnography of texts: a literature review about health and female homosexuality in Brazil
Tony Sandset: Beyond ‘Bare Life’ and bios: Restoring zoe Through Pleasure and Biomedical Drugs, The Case of HIV Treatment

Session 16 (Auditorium 2)
Chair: Kari Nyheim Solbrække

Flora Smyth Zahra: Different epistemologies and the false dichotomy in the Health professions. To deliver values based practice and person centred care then we need to re-embed the Humanities in clinical education programmes
Frederic Jover: Sun's stripes and the blue of the blood-red sea
Anna Elsner: Ruwen Ogien and the spectre of dolorism haunting the Medical Humanities
Anita Holm Riis: Cultural encounters and the concept of culture: Encounters between patient and health professional

Session 17 (Undervisningsrom 2)
Chair: Anne Marit Mengshoel

Helene Scott-Fordsmand: Reversing the medical humanities – the implicit reciprocity within the field
Torsten Pettersson: The Entanglements of Soft and Hard Evidence: The Illuminating Case of Bibliotherapy
Swati Satish Joshi: The Therapeutic Musicality in Beckett’s All That Fall Necessitates The Healing of Geriatric Trauma Through Social Bonding

Session 18 (Undervisningsrom 3)
Chair: Anne-Lise Middelthon

Vanbasten Noronha de Araujo: Unsettling clinical encounters: the entanglement between bodies, affects, and pain in Fibromyalgia treatment
Sarah Ahmed: Translating Autism
Susanne Michl and Anita Wohlmann: Data and stories at the bedside. Clinical decision-making as translational work

Session 19 (Undervisningsrom 4)
Chair: Lisbeth Thoresen

Samar Albarghouthi: “Please do not tell the patient!”: Between truth-telling and truth-making: Palestinian oncologists moral and cultural dilemmas regarding disclosure
Bernice L. Hausman: Complexity, Illness, and Responsibility: Modernity and Its Contestations in Vaccine Skepticism
Marion Lynch: Celebrating NHS 70th birthday by crossing disciplines online and creating 100 days of twitter contributions of medical humanities research & resources using a hashtag #100daysmedhum
Clemet Askheim: The textual work of care – from Hyginus to modern healthcare

Session 20 (Auditorium 1)
Chair: Sietse Wieringa

Jo Winning: Learning to think-with: feminist epistemology and the practice-based medical humanities
Marjolein de Boer: Beyond pathology: women’s lived experiences of melancholia and mourning in infertility treatment
Carol L. Schnabl Schweitzer: Crossing the Border from Disorder to Resilience: Depathologizing Borderline Personality Disorder in Women Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse or Violence in Intimate Relationships
Boya Li:  Women’s health and Translation: Cross-lingual communications and the Development of Women-centered Approaches to Sexual Health

Session 21 (Grupperom 1)
Chair: Hilde Bondevik

Charlotte Wu: Cultures of the ‘Other’, biomedicine and epistemic injustice
Angela Woods and Mary Robson: Care in critical collaborations
Miho Mohri and Mizuki Nakao: A Study of Medical Humanities of Rituals and Medicinal Plants
Oddgeir Synnes and Hilde Bondevik: The poetics of vulnerability: Creative writing among young adults with psychosis in light of Kristeva’s philosophy of language and her concept of subjectivity

14.55 – 15.10 Closing (Prof. Eivind Engebretsen & John Ødemark)
Published June 18, 2018 4:12 PM - Last modified July 15, 2019 2:25 PM