

Adapting machine learning to Norwegian health data to enhance causal analyses of patient pathways and patients’outcome. 

Time and place: , European Parliament/Webstream

Join us for the workshop on Research Integrity in Open Science for Europe, organized by the European Parliament's STOA Panel for the Future of Science and Technology.

Time and place: , Zoom/Seminarrom 3 HSH

Norwegian Centre for Health Services Research (NORCHER) presents ongoing research on short and long-term consequences of COVID-19 on screening for cancer.

Time and place: , Thon hotell Ullevål

The national researcher schools in epidemiology (EPINOR), global health (NRSGH), general practice (NAFALM) and heart research (NORHEART) are organizing a supervisor seminar for its members.

Time and place: , University of Oslo

Phd-course with Professor Partha Deb, Hunter College. The course will consist of lectures, student presentations and exercises. Stata will be used to estimate models and to answer questions.

Time and place: , Harald Schjelderups hus, Seminarrom 4 (6.6); Auditorium 3 (7.-10.6)

- Competition, Price Incentives, Non-profit status and Waiting Times

PhD course with lecturer Luigi Siciliani. The course is free of charge, but has a limit of 20 participants. Please register before May 13.